January 21, 2010

The Cat's In The Bag

What you see here is Powder exploring the joys of a paper bag with the handles removed. She really enjoys a good game of "kitty in the bag"...as long as the bag isn't a plastic one. You see, way back when, before I was born, Powder had a little "incident" with a plastic bag. She was just an itty-bitty kitten playing with a plastic shopping bag and she got her neck stuck in one of the handles - she panicked and ran and ran and ran through the house with Daddy trying to catch her to remove the bag. Powder ran under the sofa and proceeded to get the bag (and herself) caught in one of the sofa springs. Daddy had to put the sofa on it's side and cut the bag from her neck. To this day if she even hears a plastic bag she runs away from it. To this day, if a bag comes in the house - plastic or paper, Mommy cuts the handles off of it!
Good times kitties..good times...


Zoe the Cat said...

I had the same thing happen to me except it was a paper bag. I was just playing happily by myself and suddenly the bag attacked me and put its handles around my neck. I had to run and run to get it off. My Mom caught me under the table and saved me. I don't like any bag anymore.

Anonymous said...

Paper bags rock!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We have gotten caught a little bit in plastic bag handles too--Momma hates it when we get near them but not so bad that we are afraid of them!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very sweet of Powder into the bag,
because neither me and I aren't bag cat,
I am kind of a plastic bag, but it has to depends on plastic bag's color. So... Michico doesn't have bag cat this subject to shot, hahaha~~

Forever Foster said...

My sister once got caught in a plastic bag too. She got a real fright, and I got a real fright, and I jumped and clawed at my mum's foot as she walked past to get to Suey. She almost needed stiches.

We love playing in paper bags without handles!:)

SeaThreePeeO said...

Bags are great fun. Good tip about cutting the handles off

Milo and Alfie said...

Bag handles are NASTY DANJERUS things and yoor mom is very sensible to cut them off!

The Island Cats said...

That is very smart of your mom. We love to play in bags!! Mom won't let us play in plastic ones though...

Hansel said...

thats a really good idea about cutting off the handles, we've never done that. And we don't want kitties being afraid of them like poor powder- because tesla LOVES her bags.

Kea said...

Our mom cuts the handles off the bags too, before she lets us play in them. That's because silly Nicki did the same thing, got the handle caught around his neck in a matter of seconds, and Mom had to run after him, into the basement, to get the handle off. She was scared, but it didn't faze Nicki too much. Nothing really fazes him, though.

We're glad Powder is playing safely now!

Millie said...

that happened to me once. I hate those plastic bags. I got into a paper bag once, but we don't get very many.

The Meezers or Billy said...

paper bags is the BESTEST!!!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

oh dat bag fing happened to me too and it was SCAREE

quiltcat said...

Poor Powder, that must have been very scary! and what a good Mom to now make sure your bags are safe! Ours doesn't let us play in plastic bags at all and we don't get many paper bags anymore. The new reusable grocery bags are pretty good, though, cause you can stand up next to them, squnch the side down, and jump in! (Unfortunately, you can't claw through them and tear off bits the way you can with paper bags.)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor Powder! Yep, paper bags without handles are the best ever!!!

Dma said...

that does sound pretty traumatic...

Cory said...

Same thing happens to me...those bags just love to grab me by the neck....mom has to chop off the handles too.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Those plastic bags are the scairtiest! You poor thing! Daddy to the rescue to save his little girl!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Andy says he can totally relate to Powder's terror....the same thing happened to him many years ago. He ran around the house like a crazy cat and cuz he couldn't see where he was going, he literally bounced off walls and at one point crashed into a window and broke it. Mamabug was close behind him all the time, but it took her a few to catch him so she could release him from his nightmare.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Powder and Parker,
Madi does not like plastic bags either. More the noise they make than anything. But she loves paper bags.
Madi and Mom

The Florida Furkids said...

We know how skeery plastic bags can be...Allie had a bad experience with one once.

Sniffie and The Florida Furkids

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom is very careful with bags, too! Kirby loves plastic ones but they scare Mom!

SuziQCat said...

We've had a few cats tramatized by the whole, bag-stuck-on-my-head syndrome! We put them up quickly now too when they come in.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Goodness! Snafu once got caught in the handles of a plastic bag, but he had fun prancing around with a dress half on chirping and performing for us. Go figure. We only allow bags (plastic or otherwise) out under supervision. Good tip to cut the handles off! BJ eats plastic so all bags go into a drawer.
~Lisa Co9T

Raymond and Busby said...

Our Mom cuts off the handles too, except for the bags that she puts the used cat litter in. We don't want to play with those bags!

Daisy said...

I'm so glad you wrote about this, and I can see other cats have had this happen to them, too! My Mommeh told me about a cat-who-came-before named Cricket who stuck his head in one of those little gift bags with handles and got stuck. He was racing around the house in the middle of the night, faster and faster, and when my Mommeh was finally able to catch him he was panting and scared half to death. It took him hours to calm down! Thank Cod it happened when someone was home to save him. That taught us a valuable lesson.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Mum says she knows full well how ou felt because I had a bad time with a bag, but I would still go inside given ant chance. I love bags. off.. GJ x

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat happened to Zippy and she tore thru da house and maded a big mess afore mom cawt her and removed da bag! She don't even like da sound of da bags anymore but she will still play wif da paper bags...no handles here either.

Anonymous said...

Have fun Powder!!!

Hoshi said...

Go, go get into the bag!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We are so glad Daddy let the cat out of the bag!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Powder, that must have been scary. We aren't allowed to play with plastic bags, but if mum ever gets a paper one, she lets us have it.That is a good idea about the handles.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh my gosh! That sounds like an incident I had when I was a baby! I got stuck in a paper bag handle and got so scared when the handle was around my neck. I freaked out and started running around the house and I peed at the same time all over the house! My mom was laughing her head off at me when it happened, but from then on, mom cuts off all the handles on our bags too!

Lynx217 said...

Nimbus loves paper bags, Curzon loves chewing on plastic ones. But we have several cases of Jadzia getting snagged... so we understand.

Quill and Greyson said...

Tee Hee! That plastic bag story sounds very scary!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Fanks yoo for taking such good care of pretty Powder so she won't be scaired. Dat's da best idea we heard of to take da handles off. Hey Powder, move ofur so I can snuggle in da bag wif yoo!
~Purrs, Beau Beau

Mickey's Musings said...

We know all about plastic bags :/
Now paper ones!!!! Those are pawsome!! Have a blast Powder!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

Mariodacat said...

I just love paper bags too - they are the bestest.

Tuck said...

That must have been very scary for Powder! No wonder she doesn't like plastic bags!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to that story, now WE'RE afraid of plastic bags! Our Mom is gonna make sure that we can't get into the closet where she keeps the small plastic bags!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Plastic bags are still scary things cause some things what go inta them nefer come out again!