November 20, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

I'm getting ready for the big game tomorrow - staking out my seat, so to speak. That's right kitties, it's time for the boys in maize and blue to host those "Oh How Mommy Hates O Hi O state" boys in a game of football. I'm choosing to stay in my kitty cube in case Mommy yells and throws pillows and things. I'm not sure if this is proper behavior for a Formerly Feral Kitty, but I think the cube will keep me safe! It's really the only time she gets worked up about sports. Michigan and O Hi O state are bitter, bitter rivals and from the time she was a kitten, she was raised to love those U of M boys and hiss at the O Hi O boys. Daddy says he thinks it's very funny we would come and live on O Hi O!
Today at her hunting place beans are able to dress in beautiful Maize and Blue or whatever colors those O Hi O people wear. It's also the day that the hunting place gives turkeys to their employees and Mommy is one of the beans who help hand them out - over 3,000 birds!
She'll be decked out in her Michigan gear giving those O Hi O peole the bird!


Forever Foster said...

Three THOUSAND birds? That's a whole lot of turkey! We imagine there will be some very happy kitties in your neck of the woods.
Go Michigan!:)

The Island Cats said...

Good luck to the Maize and Blue! It's gonna be a tough game. We bet your mom will be one of the few dressed in Michigan colors at work!!

There's gonna be a lot of happy people with all those turkeys being handed out!

The Creek Cats said...

Good luck to your team!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

our the mom is singing "hail to the mighty victor". that's weerd.

The Monkeys said...

Go Blue! We hope your Mommy's team wins too

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Have a great weekend cheering them on!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hahaha! you cracked us up with that last sentence Parker.

Ariel said...

Go Blue I'll be cheering :)

Cory said...

Wha.....wha...?? Th...three...thousand birdies? ::twitch::

Anonymous said...

Do you know what we could all DO with 3000 turkeys?!?

Dma said...

have you seen an actual wolverine? those things are scary.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Sorry, Parker. We still say, "Go Bucks!!!!!!!!" Mommy & Daddy met as freshmen in the Ohio Stadium Scholarship Dormitory. Their rooms were under the pressbox. There will never be maize & blue in our house. It's all about the scarlet & gray!!!!

OH!! - IO!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ah rivalry. I think you are smart to stay out of it.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Stay safe, Parker!!!!!!!

Raymond and Busby said...

Sounds like your Mom has a good hunting place. That's fun that she gets to help hand out the turkeys.

We will be happy for you if the Wolverines win the game because it will be a big upset and we like the underdog. We don't live too far from Stanford and we are wondering if Stanford's coach is going to be coaching Michigan sometime soon because everyone thinks Michigan's coach is going to lose his job. Who knows?

Go Blue!

Shaggy and Scout said...

your final sentence is terrific!
What a line!

Anonymous said...

You know sometimes during sporting events tasty snacks are left unattended...

Rupert said...

At first I think you are reflecting in a mirror!

Then I figure out that you are in a CUBE.

ha ha ha ha!

Paws 'n Claws,

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Enjoy the game!

JC said...

You are too cute ...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Misses Peach with the litter box report: Yeah for Powder coming out from under the bed for a bit. I know how hard it is not to be ecccccentrik. I have been sleeping in my potty for over two weeks now!
As for Rudy and his mats...try to use a seam ripper to slice through them and then gently furminate it out. THIS REALLY WORKS! Hunny Bunny has matts and Miss Mimi told us about this trick! Try it!!
Love the smelly Peach

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You look as though you have got the best seat in the house.. Hugs GJ x

GLOGIRLY said...

Yeah, I've got to have my safe place planned out whenever there's a big game on TV. The sudden yelling is bad enough... but when objects start flying. Well a cat just can't be safe enough.

(Glogirly's cat)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is lucky dat der is not a lot of dat sports watching, yelling and throwing things around here but we unnerstand dat der is offen snacks around. We get dat wif movies so it's all good. We love dat yoor mom is giving all dem beans da bird.

The Florida Furkids said...

Do you need earplugs??? We hope your Mom's team wins!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

May your team win. But like you, I have been staying in our cube when annything involving a ball on TV is on. Not that The Big Thing gets all that excited or watches it all that much, but it gets Ayla an Iza running around. I dont need THAT!


Cats in trees said...

Normally we love watching soccer with photoguy. But when our hometeam plays important games we suddenly remember there is an attic in the house. The shouts, the swears and especially the cheers (they do win a lot)!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yep, this is a good week-end for sitting on laps and purring. I hope your mom's favorite teem wins.

Purrrs to all of you <3

Just Ducky said...

That is nice for your mum to hand out turkeys to the worker beans. Mum and me agree on Go Blue too.
There was an old song here sung to the Ohio fight song.
Liquidate Ohio State and humble Woody Hayes.
They breed a lot of cattle in Columbus
Send them out to graze.

Tiger Lily said...

Your Mommy must have had a lot of fun in her Michigan colors giving the bird(s) to the O Hi O people! Go Michigan!

My Mom is a Syracuse fan and she got to watch the Orange beat UNC in basketball tonight. She was glad to be able to cheer for a change because she groans a lot when she watches Syracuse play football.

Milo and Alfie said...

Do yoo git some Turkey too?