Remember this?

Hi kitties, I have a big 'ol favor to ask all of you. You may or may not know that my Mommy has Diabetes. It's an awful thing to have and it sux. She's lucky that she has good health care and she works very hard to keep her blood sugars under control. But there is no cure for Diabetes...yet. The most wonderful Zoolatry made 2 banners for the month of November to help raise awareness during November which is National Diabetes Month. If you would put one on your sidebar we would appreciate it very much! There is a large one and a small one.
Please and thank-you!
done and done parker. done and done. :)
We will do it right away Parker. Mum bean's grandmother suffers from Diabetes too.
We'll get our mom to post it today!
My momma will do this...she's a bit slow but she says she will do it this weekend! Anything with your cute mug on it....
Mom rode her bike this summer over 100 miles to raise money for Diabetes!
What a cute banner! I would be happy to put it on my sidebar for you Parker!
It'll be on mine. an honor to have your face on my blog
Of course, Parker! I will put one on my blog and the creek cats blog!!
We will also do this. Can it be a year already?
our blog has been bannered.
i will put it on my blog. i got my name from the dibeetus man. Wilfred Brimley! mom thought we kinda look alike cuz i have a mustache like him. also my moms dad has the beeuts! it is a very bad thing!
ps-i am excited to have your face on my blog!
We would proudly put that on our page! We are all for finding cures for these terrible diseases! Glad your mommy has wonderful care!
We put the badge on our blog! With a face like that, how can we refuse? :)
We're putting it on our blog today! I came this close to being diagnosed with diabetes and I feel very lucky the test came back negative. It made me VERY aware - and I've cut out A LOT of sugar as a result.
~Lisa Co9T
Our Nana has diabetes and also works very hard to keep her blood sugar in control. Our template is a little wonky, but we'll try to get Mom to put one on our sidebar when she can think clearly. :-D
We is doin' it NOW. Our momma has a furiend who has a kitty wif diabetes. Thankfully Brownie is doin' OK but boy was he eFUR sick once a long times ago.
Our Meowmy hasn't figured out how to add banners to her sidebar yet... She already donates to the American Diabetes Association, though, because her Daddy has it (and has managed it quite well for 30 years) and her friend Sue's grandbean has it...he's only 8 years old and each year asks her if they've found a cure yet!
I will be more than happy to make awareness of diabetes and will take one of your photos for my sidebar. This is a good idea and so nice of Zoolatry to help you out on this.
We will gladly post the badge. Our Dad has diabetes, too!
We are going to put this on our blog right away! Not only does our Grandpa and Nana have diabetes but the little kitten in Mommy's tummy has given her diabetes too so we know all about it now! It's not fun at all!!
Momma had diabetes Type 2, but fankfully she got rids of it after losing over 90 pounds and exercising. GO Momma GO! She knows how bad it sux Parker. We will get her to do the badge...but as compoodle stoopid as she is we hope she can get it done.
Is it really a year? Wow!
We'll definitely add it to our sidebar too!! Great idea.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Hi, Parker, and thank you for alerting us. We will certainly add it to our sidebar.
Yep, this is a cause near and dear to our hearts. Not only did Tiki have diabetes, but our Grammy did too. We will put it on when Mom gets home tonight.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
My gramma has diabetes! We will post the badge in November!
Hi Parker and siblings! I had my Mum put up your Diabetes tag right away. My Grandpa has Diabetes too, you are right it is not fun.
Hey Parker.
We would be honored to put the tag on our blog!
~ The Bunch
We'll get our Mom to do it right away (or as fast as it is possible to get her to do anything these days)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mom and I will be happy to help!
We did it :)
I will happily put one on my blog for you Parker!
Hi Parker - In hopes of trying to help your sister Powder out of her Fall Funk, Cat of Nine Tale's Penny has chosen her for an award. Please come by to check it out!
~Lisa Co9T
Parker! We just came and took the banner...look for it soon!!
Big wet rainy smooches to you!!
We just added the badge and we swiped your "Diabetes Sux" title, too, because Mama can't think straight right now. ;)
Thanks, Parker!
We will try to get our girl human to help us figure out how to put the badge up. Our dad human has diabetes and you are right "Diabetes Sux".
Done, Parker!
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