It started right around the first day of Autumn. Mommy and Daddy wondered if they bring it on by anticipating it, but that seems like a bit of a stretch.
We miss our "Summer Powder"
We still think that DKM, Diva Kitty's Mom may be right. Last year she commented..."It could just be the change in the earth's rotation and the shifting to fall that could be affecting her. Cats are more sensitive to the seasons than we are. Or it could be that the time of year reminds her of something that happened long ago and she is still impacted by it. I know that Sophia will hide in my closest anytime someone BBQs near my condo. Not sure why, but the smell of the BBQ sends her hiding." ...
Powder had a rough go with her spay 11 years ago, you can read about that here. Since she is otherwise very healthy, we think that this time of year she remembers that ~ or ~ she has Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Mommy read an article about it here.
Whatever it is, it's no fun for Powder and no fun for the 'rents. If the past years are an indication of how things will turn out, in a few weeks she'll be back to normal and Mommy can stop stressing about her tiny little girl under the bed.
I wonder if Diamond and I khould help with THAT!
Dearest Powder, we were hoping that you would avoid the Funk this year. We are sending you very big purrs, and hope that you will emerge from it very soon. (((hugs))) to your mum.
I never noticed a change in cattitude at the change in seasons with our kitties. But I have noticed that almost all of the 15 we now feed have been rolling in the dirt in the last few days - it's gotten quite a bit cooler in this time. I find the comment you quoted to be quite interesting. I really agree that cats are more sensitive to everything. I wonder if she might be aware of changes in sounds in nature. Maybe she is simply slowing/quieting down to listen!
I hope she comes out of her funk!
Aw poor Powder, we hope she'll like winter better.
Poor Powder. I hope she feels better soon. Maybe you can pass on some purrs from me, Parker.
Huffle Mawson
So sorry you in the blues again Powder. The PM's dad gets like that in the Fall too. A long walk with a hot toddy help him but I think you should stick with a long nap somewhere warm and some nip.
We too remember this from last year. We guess there's not much you can do about it except pluck in a feliway diffuser and be very understanding. The mom of Forever Foster posted about her favourite cat behaviorist Vicky Halls the other day. Mom ordered a book and really liked it. Maybe she has a website where you could tell her about this and she could suggest something? Of course she can't do anything from the distance, but maybe she has a good explanation that would help the parents to worry less. All the best for little Powder!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Ha! Simultaneous comments, that's fun!
Oh swet one, I hope you feel better soon. Please come out of it and then your beans wont worry so much.. Hugs GJ x
We hope you feel better soon. The worstest thing ever for our Mom is to have us be not so quite us and she doesn't know why.
Powder, I have summer and winter sleeping spots. Maybe you are just moving into your cosy place.
Mums old girl Puss moved out onto the front porch in a cardboard box, even through the winter and big storms. It used to stress mumm out big time, even though Puss had a cat door and could come inside 24/7 she spent 6 months living outside in the rain.
Sending you sunshine hugs.
Poppy and Julie Q
Oh sweet little Powder ~ we hope yoo feel better soon.
BIG smoochies from Milo and Alfie xx
We hope you can avoid the blues this Fall, Powder!
Oh Powder! We hope you are out of your funk soon....
Powder, we hope you are able to avoid the autumn funk this year. Sounds like no fun at all!!!
Sending you happy vibes!
Hi Powder,
Good luck kicking the autumn funk's you-know-what. Maybe some good old fashioned power napping will help. It certainly can't hurt!
(Glogirly's cat and professional napper)
Sweet Powder, we hope the funk ends quickly and you're back to yourself soon. We remember your funk from last year (where did that year go?)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
powder dear, are you feeling a bit melancholy due to the changing of the seasons? we hope that you will be feeling more like your old self soon.
Poor baby girl. Whatever is upsetting her, we are glad it only lasts a few weeks.
Powder, I hope your autumn funk doesn't last too long. You have a wonderful family that understands you enough to give you your space. We'll be purring until you come out of it, ok?
that's really sad. hope powder snaps out of her autumn funk soon.
I agree, it's a season change thing. By the way, I love the pumpkin pic on your home page!!!
It could be SAD brought on by the change in light patterns. I don't see why Animals cannot suffer from it as well as humans.
Whatever is upsetting her we hope see feels brighter soon!
Oh, poor, sweet Powder! We hope this lasts a short time for her! Skeeter gets a little aggressive in the summer, since the windows are opoen and she can smell the ferals. No one is safe from her wrath. We're sending happy purrs to Powder!!!
We remember this from last year as well. Poor Powder. How is her overall digestion? From an acupuncture standpoint this time of year is about her digestion and people with weak digestive systems tend to have a hard time. Additionally, we start seeing fibromyalgia patients about now too...
My Purr Gang are sleeping. They like the sunshine a lot more than the clouds.
Certainly, humans are sensitive to the waning light and the colder air and some get S.A.D. So it seems reasonable that some cats could be sensitive as well. We can certainly sympathize with Powder's "autumn funk."
Powder, I am sorry you has a SAD.
Poor Powder. Maybe she needs a little sun light/grow light like for plants. It helps beans with SAD, so why not cats? Hope she gets feeling better soon. It's been cooler sooner than usual up there, too, hasn't it?
Poor sweet Powder. We were wondering if you gotted your funk this year. :( Feel better soon! We're sending lots and lots of happy purrs to lure you out from under the bed.
That is very interesting, but I guess if she always gets through it okay, she's dealing the best way she can. Poor thing...purrs from the Cat of Nine....
~Lisa Co9T
If I kood I wood give dear Powder a nice hed grooming. I find that vary calming and reasshuring. My sisfur Tenny gits moods too. She's bin reel kwiet for weeks and efur since we gots back from Sandfrandsisko she is vary frendly and engaging. Maybe it's a girl thing!
Fascinating, DKM's thought makes a lot of sense. I think sometimes it's just o.k. to need to feel blue especially if she still comes out for food and loving from the mom.
Poor Powder, I remember her Autumn Funk from last year. My Mum has SAD and uses a lightbox, too bad they didn't have little cat lightboxes.
We are sorry Powder! We kind of understand how you feel when every year... right around Christmas time my mom gets depressed.... it doesn't matter what is going on around her.
Powder is just funkified.
We understand Powder!! Summer is so short and Winter is SO long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Maybe your Mummy can turn on some old disco music and turn it into a good kinda funk. Hummans doing silly dancing always makes me happy!
Cosmo gets seasonal funk too - hers lasts from Winter to Autumn!
I hope Powder will get better soon!
I hope Powder is back to normal soon!
Powder, we sure hope you feel better soon.
Well, "funk" happens. We get it too. The season changes an we suddenly want (or dont want) The Big Thing to pick us up or put us on his lap, or want (or dont want) to sleep on his bed (we got other places), or dont want some foods we previosly liked. Its just the season fer changes...
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