October 16, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

Today is National Feral Cat Day. It's a day to help homeless kitties. I know how important this is. That's me 8 years age, feral as they come.

Here I am today. I never forget how lucky I am.


Teddy Westlife said...

Aren't you lucky you found your daddy Parker? Happy Friday to you.

The Island Cats said...

You are so lucky, Parker! Here's to those kitties not as lucky as us...

SeaThreePeeO said...

You're a very lucky cat to have found such a wonderful forever home.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Who says formerly ferals don't make great pets! Parker, you are a purrfect example!

The Creek Cats said...

Lucky Parker!! Happy National Feral Cat Day to you!!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Smooches right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

Parker, we is celly-bratin' right with you's. Our Forrest was as skeered a kitty as you ever seen 'til he came to live wif us an' he was just a little bit of a puff back then. He still doesn't come out fur lotsa' peoples but he sure ♥s our momma an' us so that is all that matters.

We is so happy that you came in from the cold, Parker, so happy.

Cory said...

Oh Parker, look at you now! You are a lucky girl!

The Whiskeratti said...

You certainly are lucky! May all kittehs be so fortunate.

Forever Foster said...

You sure have undergone some big changes in your life. Smooches to you, lovely girl.

The Monkeys said...

You've come a long way, baby! We're so glad you're in your wonderful home

The Furry Kids said...

Parker, we're so glad that you found such a wonderful home!
Happy weekend to you guys!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are a very lucky girl. many of started on the street ans look how far we have come!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you found such a wonderful home and are safe!!! Happy Feral Cat Day!

Cindy said...

I'm so glad you found a forever home. Happy weekend and get lots of treats.

Anonymous said...

You sure are a lucky kittie!!! We are happy that you know the meaning of a furrever family and home! Wish they all could know that feeling!

The Meezers or Billy said...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo make a furry beaWOOtiful tamed beast!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!

Milo and Alfie said...

We are thrilled yoo was found and given a wonderful forever home. Smoochies!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You are lucky and loved.. That is sooo good.. Hugs GJ xx

Shaggy and Scout said...

Parker you looked so little and scared!
We wish Zolie would want to come in, but she is far from being able to do that yet. So we do our best to provide for her even though she wants to stay outside.

Daisy said...

I am glad you are no longer feral, Parker. Many cats are not as lucky. That makes me sad.

GLOGIRLY said...

It's good to remember your roots. It will help you to appreciate all the love you have today. We're very happy you have a forever home.
Katie & Glogirly

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We haf never been feral, so it is good ta be reminded how lucky we are. Congrats on bein one of the lucky ferals what finds a good home! We wish all ferals could be as lucky.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Wow! Parker? Feral? How far you have come and how lucky you are that a human saw your sweetness and brought it out.
~Lisa Co9T

Team Tabby said...

you are right, Parker, it's great to have a good forever home.

Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike



Quill and Greyson said...

Big ole Smooches in return lovely Parker!

Just Ducky said...

Smoochies right back at ya, glad your not feral anymore.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Parker *sigh* you poor little kittie. I am so happy you were captured and brought home to the place you belong.
*smooch* to you

quiltcat said...

Hi Parker. We are so happy that you found your loving forever home and turned from a scared feral kitty into your beautiful and confident self. We wish all kitties could be so well loved. Smoochies!

meemsnyc said...

We are formerly feral too. It's nice to help other kitties. So many to help.

Karen Jo said...

I am so glad that you are formerly feral. You have found a great forever home and the love you so richly deserve. I wish all feral kitties could be so lucky.

Tiger Lily said...

We are glad you have such a wonderful forever home!

Debra Taylor said...

Even though you are older, you are more beautiful now! You and your mom keep you so fluffy and clean!


Anyone else reading this - please visit my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who is helping or plans to help homeless cats anywhere.

Thank you,

Talk to Your Angels

Anonymous said...

We are always happy to read about a homeless cat who adopts some fine human staff!