It's been a rainy few days here in O Hi O. I don't mind that one bit, this couch is very comfy and I have been enjoying lap time in the evening with Mommy. Our tiny little sister is still in her Autumn funk and Mommy is feeling very sad for her. We hope she comes out of it soon. She will come out from under the bed for Temptations and for hugs from Mommy. But as soon as she decides she has had enough - zoom! - under the bed again!
Stay dry and warm kitties and have a wonderful Friday!
You look very pretty sitting there Parker. I hope Powder feels better soon.
Huffle Mawson
It's raining here not much to do...enjoy your lap time, Parker. We hope Powder comes out of her funk know she will...just a matter of when....
We are sure that wee Powder knows that there is a lot of love for her in your home. We think that probably makes her Autumn Funk a lot easier for her, knowing you will be there when she is ready to come out. (((hugs)))
Poor Powder. She'll come out when she feels it is right.
You look great, as always.
You look adorable, Parker! It's rainy and cold here also.
We hope Powder feels happier soon, so we're sending some purrs for her
We just noticed your Halloween header - it's great!
We're sorry Powder is still in her funk but we're glad she comes out for lovin' and for temptations.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Kind of blah here too.
Hope you have a wonderfully snuggly weekend and Powder feels better!
Poor little Powder. We hope she feels better soon. With everyone's love and patience, we bet she will. In the meantime, you look lovely on the couch. It's been rainy here, and back and forth between warm and cool -- today it's gonna be cool. So tonight when The Mommy gets back home, and this weekend, we'll do the lap thing a lot too no doubt. :)
purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Awww Powder. You have to come out and be with your peoples. They are worried about you.
rainy weather probably doesn't help powder with her funk. hope she feels better soon.
You look super comfy, Parker. We are hoping that Powder is almost done with her funk! Do you try to go keep her company? We hope you all have a great weekend!
I can only say that it is a blessing that Powder is living in your house with your people. She is provided with a safe environment and a decent place for her to get her peace and quiet that she desires.
I have never heard of this for such a long stretch, but I think female kitties tend to me moody.
Mom says I need some peace and quiet too.
Even in my younger days, sometimes I needed a break from Caesar. Mom has provided me with many areas so that I can have peace -- alone!
Powder is probably a submissive kitty too, huh?
I am not submissive, but I was with Caesar. - NOT with Pierro. I know my place with him. Still, I like my time out.
Well, I wish all of you a wonderful Friday and a comforting hopefully sunny week-end.
sorry we have not been visiting. It is so good to be here and say hello <3
PS: and of course, we probably also would have gone to three doctors for consultation. This behavior does appear 'fishy' and the beans do not like to see this. Probably a good idea not to do the antidepressants. There is good and bad with those pills. Mom took them for a while after her big sister died in 2000.
purrrrs and love
Some months I'd like to hide under the bed and have someone bring me treats and love when I needed them. I hope Powder gets defunked soon!
poor Powder. we are sorry she is in her funk again. we can telyport over and try and cheer her up with some of Bendrix's dirty jokes. "there once was a man from Nantucket..." shhhhhhhhhhhhh bendrix! not now!
It has been rainy here too. I am glad I have lotsa warm afghans to snuggle in and couches to nap on.
Being a FORMER feral is especially sweet in the cold and rain
Maybe it was those dang trick or treaters who spooked your sister. A cat would never dress up in a funny costume and ring a loud bell to ask for a treat. Silly Beans!
Oh poor Powder. I am glad you are enjoying the extra love time though.
We hope Powder feels well soon. And yoo look super-cute today!
I'm glad you are so understanding of Powder's sad spells. I hope she is feeling happier soon!
My Purr Gang naps a lot ... if the sun is out .. they seem more interested in the world ...
Poor gentle little Powder.
Give her our love.
Poor Powder! She's so blessed to have such an understanding fambly! We hope you guys have a great weekend!
We are all in funk too with this cool rainy weather! Enjoy your nap ans cuddles.
Today is the first reely cool day in a long time. I think me and Spencer are gonna haff to talk about who gits to sleep next to Mommy's warmth at nite. As the baby, he's bin sleepin thare but reely it's my spot in the cold months. I jes bin nice and lettin him use it cuz he's a baby. Hay, we reeely like yur Halloweenie hat and stuff too. Boo!
I am sorry that Powder is in her Autumn funk, but glad that she comes out for treats and loving. I hope that she gets over it soon. You look like you are enjoying that couch, Parker. Thank you for identifying my plant for me.
Please tell Powder that I'm sending her lots of RUMBLEvibes that she feels happy and comes out from her hide spot.
Powder, we know where you are and our anti-funk purrs are directed at you. The funk just makes you all that more unique and special. We know you'll come out when you are ready. Maybe you are secretly working on your holiday wish list?
Send Powder down for a bizit in Florida. WE got lots of sunshine and heat -- it's still in the 90's. That should cheer her up.
poor little kitty, give her a nose touch from me please...
smiles, auntie bee
Funks are bad. Try yer best ta get the kittie out of that. We know ya love her..
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