Bonjour kitties!
Mommy got back home VERY late on Friday. I was so happy to see her although there was a little problem...the airplane from Montreal kept her luggage in it's belly so when she flew from Motown to O Hi O she did not have her luggage. And guess what was in her luggage? Well, let's see.. my computer was there...what else...oh yeah, her camera and her car keys!!!Yes kittes, Mommy broke the #1 rule of travel, she put stuff in her check-on luggage that she might actually need in the event that her luggage wouldn't show up when she did. Now you need to know that Mommy is not a novice flyer and that in her many years of traveling has she ever done something so silly. She said that she did this to have as little as possible on her person to go through customs. She was mad at herself and mad at the airplane for not giving up her luggage especially since the flights were 3 gates apart from each other!!!
We are very thankful to Mommy's best friend who got in her car late Friday night with Mommy's spare car key and drove a long way to rescue and very tired and cranky Mommy. Oh, and guess how long it took the airlines to get Mommy's luggage back to her? 37 hours! Mommy could have drove to Motown many times over to get her luggage in that amount of time.
We are very thankful to Mommy's best friend who got in her car late Friday night with Mommy's spare car key and drove a long way to rescue and very tired and cranky Mommy. Oh, and guess how long it took the airlines to get Mommy's luggage back to her? 37 hours! Mommy could have drove to Motown many times over to get her luggage in that amount of time.
So today kitties, we have Mommy and my laptop home and life in O Hi O is back to normal. Situations like this make me glad I am a cat!
Your poor Mommy! She needs extra snuggles and love from you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
See, if your Mommy had just stayed home with you, where we all know she belongs, none of this would ever have happened. Just Saying!
Oh what frustration for your mommy!!! We're glad things are finally back to normal for you!
I guess that is what she gets fur leaving woo!
PeeEssWoo: I bet she won't do THAT again!
Oh no! We're glad her stuff showed up! Are you guys getting lots of cuddles? We know how much you missed her!
Happy Weekend!
those awful airlines make me so mad!!! your poor mommie, i am sorry, purr on her all day long, ok?
smiles, auntie bee
We hope this has taught your Mommie a lesson on what happens when she abandons you!
Life is good once again.
Happy Holiday weekend!
We are glad your mum got home safely even though late, and we are glad she eventually got her luggage. Maybe that will make her think twice about leaving you again.
The best part of a trip is coming home where a cat is waiting for you. Whatever happens: that's always something to look forward to.
When Mom went to Texcats three years ago, the airplane lost her luggage too! She says the thing she missed most was clean socks. Go figure!
It's like a horror story!! Thank Cod she is home now.
Traveling can be a nightmare! I'm glad your mom is home, and I hope she had a good time.
My mom would have skipped the bad words and gone straight into a teary meltdown. Pile on for a good group purr session.
Grrrrrr, hissss to the luggage thief!
We're glad your grumpy mom made it home okay. Friends are great!
Well I am glad that everyone and everything finally made it home. Did you all purr at her?
Oh geesh. What a pain. We're happy that your mom had a friend to come and get her, at least! We bet she learned her lesson...never leave the cats.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
That can take the fun right out of traveling. Hisssssssssssssssssss. I'm glad she's home safe and sound now.
Poor poor mum. I am glad she has got it all back now. Thank goodness she has a good friend.. I hope you give her lots of cuddles to sooth her..
Hugs GJ xx
It's a good thing she wasn't flying with you, they might have lost you!
Glad your mum is home, and all of her stuff too. I am sure she needed lots of purrs once she got home. Mum doesn't travel much but she say she would never put her puter in the checked bag. Lost or stolen, as well as misdirected issues. Car keys are always in her purse.
Bet she is glad to be home with her kitties again!
Mom says there's no place like home!
Glad your mom made it home. It's a good thing your mom had a good neighbor who could pick her up.
Sometimes the best laid plans turn sour. We are so sorry you r Mom had to discover this the hard way> Snuggle close.
We're glad you're getting your smooches now. What an awful flight back! Hope your Mom is relaxing now.
Ohhh, your poor mummy... if it makes her feel any better our mummy is always doing silly things like that...
Oh noes. Mom says that's the worst to happen. We sure you helped her restore her energy.
Oh how awful ~ your poor mommy. Purrs.
Oh we can see how she might be cranky!
Glad she is back home so you can calm her down!
~ The Bunch
Hi Parker. So glad that your Mommy is back home. How rotten that the airline "misplaced" her bag...and that it had such essential things in it! I can well imagine she would have been very PO'd (purrs OFF)(*g*) not only at the airlines but at herself for putting some essentials into checked luggage.
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