Happy 10th Birthday Rudy-Toots! Here is Rudy just borned!

And here he is in all of his orange glory.

As a youngster with Puff and Powder

Enjoying the evening sunset

Proving that orange rocks

Thanks for the graphic

We love you no matter how pesky you can be!
ps - please leave Rudy a treat on his Catster Page - he'd love it!
Happy Birthday Rudy! We enjoyed seeing all your pictures. Have a terrific day!
Happy Birthday Rudy! We'll head on over to Catster and leave you a treat! It's my brother Madison's birthday today too. What a great day!
Happy 10th Birthday Rudy! Those are some cute pictures.
Rudy, youz is such a purr-ty kitty. We iz very happy ta wish you minny, minny morez. We hopez youz got a tuna cake ta eatz ☺
Happy 10th birthday, Rudy! You are one handsome mancat.
Red does rock, Rudy...us showcats call orange red, so that makes you red hot rudy tooty! Happy B'Day from all of us!
Happy Purrthday Rudy! You are my kind of man-cat -- big and orange and floofy! Hope you gets lots of treats, toys and nip. You deserves it.
Happy Birthday Rudy! I think this is a very happy tenth birthday! Have some ham!!!
Happy 10 Birthday Rudy.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine& Capu
Happy 10th Birthday, Rudy! I hope you have a glorious day.
Happy 10th Birthday Rudy!! Hope it's the best ever!!
Happy, happy 10th birthday to the gorgeous orange boy. Yaaay to Rudy!!!!
Rudy, you are THE man! Happy Birthday Big Boy! Have a pawsome day and we hope you get lotsa treats - we'll leave you one (or two) on catster!
Rudy, you are one handsome dude, but that last photo is a little bit disturbing.
Happy 10th Birthday, Rudy!
Happy Birthday Rudy! You got some really nice pictures there! What happened to your lips?
Happy Birthday, Rudy! Orange boys RULE! We hope you have a nip- and Temptation-filled day!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Happy 10th purrfday Rudy. Have a wonderful day. We are going to Catster to give you a gift now.
Have a massively Happy & Orange Birthday Rudy. You sure have grown into a grand orange mancat since you were born. Those are some very sweet pictures of you.
Yay Orange!
Whicky Wuudler et al
(plus a special nose bump from Angel as she has a thing for orange mancats)
Happy Birthday, Rudy! Thanks for posting the pictures, they're cute.
Happy Berfday to mine fellow Gorgeous Ginger!
Happy Birthday, Rudy! We loved seeing your kitten pictures.
Happy Birthday to you Rudy! You were such a cute little baby. Have some nip for us dude,
Gypsy & Tasha
Happy Birthday Rudy!!! What a cute kit you were!!! Hope you have a great day!
pee ess. we're not sure about that smile, though!
Happy Happy Birthday Rudy! Yoo are one handsome devil! Love da orange furs. Today am a good day to get lots an lots of treats.
Happy birthday Rudy! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Huffle Mawson
Happy Happy Happy Purrthday Rudy!!!
We hope your birthday is full of treats, scritches and love!
You have amazing orange floof!
We will head over to catster now!
Happy 10th Birthday, Rudy! Here's to many more!
Happy Birthday Rudy!! I hope you get all the treats you want today!!
Happy 10th Birthday, Rudy! You're looking great! Here's to hoping your day is filled with belly rubs and lots of treats!
Happy 10th Purrthday Rudy. You look especially majestic when the evening sunset touches on your orange highlights :)
Happy Birfday!
Khytty snakhks fur evfurrrrrrryone!
happy happy b-day rudy.
Happy Birthday you big Hunk 'o Burning Love...
Happy Happy birthday. Mum went all gooey and said yes Red sure does rock. You are lovely.
Hugs GJ xx
Happy Purrthday Rudy!!! Mini broughted you sum treets for your purrthday.
Alla Us Hotties
Happy Purrfday Rudy!!!
~Meeko & Kiara
Hey Rudy, the happiest of purrthday wishes from us all. Come on over to The Club and Max & I will treat you to lunch.
Happy Birthday! That's a great set of pictures.
Happy Purthday Rudy! My sisfurs wanna give yoo a purrthday kiss. We brawt some nip to toast to 10 more happy years!
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday, furry Rudy-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Rudy! You are one cool dude!
Happy Purrthday Rudy! How tiny yoo were when yoo was first borndid!
Happy Birthday, Rudy!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday Rudy!
You growed up real handsome & floofy!
Happy birthday Rudy! From a cute little ball of orange fluff to a handsome orange Mancat. Fantastic!
I hope you have the bestest birthday ever!
Happy birthday Rudy! From a cute little ball of orange fluff to a handsome orange Mancat. Fantastic!
I hope you have the bestest birthday ever!
Happy Birthday Rudy and many, many, many moooooore!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! We love your baby pictures!
Your FL furiends,
Happy 10th Birthday, Rudy :-D You look terrific for 10! If I didn't know how old you were, I'd guess you were only 5!!
Happiest of Happy Birthdays Rudy - we hope you have a pawesome day!
Happy Birthday Rudy. We are sorry your mom and dad aren't around, but they will probably bring you back treats.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy Birthday Rudy - we hope you have a super day!! We love the picture of you on your Birth day!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy 10th birthday!! What a big birthday that is!
10 is a great age!
I am very happy to have you as a friend!!
Rudy! You is so teenie as a babeh how did you get so big man cat you are now?!?!?
We hopes you has a very happy happy Birfday!! :))
And many more to come :))
Happy purrthday, Rudy! You look wonderful in all of your orangey goodness!
May you have cuddles, scritches and treats galore this year...
Charlemagne and Tamar
Happy Birthday Rudy! Orange cats rock!
Happy Birthday, dear furriend! We hope you have a day full of fun and treats:)
happee happee 10th birfday Rudy!
We loves the ginger boys too!!
Conner (and my sisters)
Happy happy purrthday my floofy ginger friend and lookalike! You are the most splendidly orange cat I know!
Fat Eric
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy! Happy Birthday you big hunka hunka hunks burnin love orange boy!
Happy Birthday Orange Menace! May you have many more!
Happy Purrthday Rudy, my fellow gorgeous ginger!
Happy Purrfday Rudy!!! Have a great time celebrating!
Luf, Us
Wow, congratulashuns on the 10th Birfday Rudy! Cool. Hope ya got a special dinner or new toy...
Happy belated birthday, Rudy! Orange guys ROCK!
Play bows,
....you are more orange than a trophy wife!....
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