April 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - The Face That's Hard To Stay Mad At...


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

A nice floofy wordless Wednesday.

WCTs said...

Gosh ... You are beautiful. That face could launch a thousand ships & those whiskers ... A dozen more!


Pssst. Come express yourself at our bloggy ... Should we adopt a pal for Little Bunny!?!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

But it would be LOTS of fun to chase!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I can agree with that... Oh you are talking about Rudy. Well I guess I still agree.

Halloween said...

Hi Parker! Rudy is adorable but so are you. Hope you get more sunshine on your deck.

Purrs, Halloween

Gemel said...

No, could not be mad at that face for more than a second!!!!

The Monkeys said...

There's no way anyone could be mad at that sweet face

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It must be hard ta compete wif all that floof, Parker... So sad.

Mebbe ya could get Rudy shaved?

Motor Home Cats said...

Yep, we agree.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Teddy Westlife said...

But, why are you mad at him?

Huffle Mawson

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

I could never be mad at this cat--such a big bushy furry beautiful cat you have! I don't get mad at my cats either.

Cat with a Garden said...

We bow to you, Rudy.

Forever Foster said...

He does the sweet look very well, your brother. Is your booboo feeling better, Parker?

The Island Cats said...

Rudy...you handsome cat, you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you are very handsome Rudy

The Florida Furkids said...

Very handsome face!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Honey P. Sunshine said...

rudee yoo luk so innocent

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

nope. i could never even get mad at that kitty!!

smiles, auntie bee

The Creek Cats said...

We wouldn't be able to stay mad at that face either! Such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Rudy boy is cute!

jenianddean said...

Definitely to cute to stay mad at, but maybe a little less chasing next weekend. Maybe if they gave you some of that ham you wouldn't chase Puff.

Anonymous said...

We agree:)

feefifoto said...

The sunbeam gives you an angelic glow.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Great quote for sure!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It would be hard to even get Mad at that face, much less stay mad at it!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Nobody can stay mad at a kitty!

Daisy said...

Rudy looks so angelic, it's hard to believe he can be so naughty sometimes!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We could never stay mad at that purrfect boy! Not sure we could even get mad at him.
~ Sara and Malachi

Anonymous said...

Well Rudy, WE could certainly never stay mad at you. Parker may not be able to stay mad at you but, just to be safe, we think you may want to stay out of reach of The Paw of Death!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

No couldn't be mad for a milisecond. That is a beautiful face.

Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Rudy nobody could possibly be mad at you with a handsome face and cute expression like you have!

The Furry Kids said...

Wow, Rudy! You sure know how to turn it on. I need to take lessons from you.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Rudy, no one could be mad at such a handsome boy. ~S,S,C & F

Chrissie said...

Mom says that about me, too, Rudy. And I get as much mileage out of it as I can!

catsynth said...

Certainly hard to stay mad at that face.

The Army of Four said...

I think it would be impossible.
Thankfully, Mom thinks the same thing about all of us. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,

Dma said...

that is a pretty sweet face.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Rudy gets the cute and innocent look off pat doesn't he.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Rudy, die yoo bite yoor sisfur? Yoor gonna give us mancats a bad rep dude.

Anonymous said...

Rudy yoo isnt bad again is yoo?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Yup, that's one of the sweetest, most innocent faces I've ever seen.

Fluffy and Bonkers said...

How could you be mad at that face?! We need to pick up on some grooming tips because that picture is puurretty.

Fluffy and Bonkers

Tuck said...

No way to stay mad at a cute little kitty face like yours!!

Findlay Furs said...

Rudy you are one handsome cat!
purrs Luke

Hansel said...

how cud anyone be mad at yoo in da furs place?

Boy n Beethoven said...

Rudy is indeed handsome!


TabbyNormal said...

With so much fluff.... no one could stay mad!

Abby & Stygia

Cory said...

Rudy...you really can get away with anything! Why is it that handsome mancats can do that?

quiltcat said...

Rudy is one gorgeous kitty! but are you saying he bit you, Parker? hmmph that wasn't nice!

Margaret Cloud said...

What a beautiful cat, I could not say no either.