April 6, 2009

The Rudy Report

Another Monday and it's time for my Rudy Report! It was a lazy weekend here in O Hi O, just the way I like it! We had a little deck time and I was able to get in some pretty good sniffs as you can see...
I must confess, I did a little Puff-chasing and I got yelled at. I didn't stop me from doing it again. And again. And yet again. What can I say, it's fun!
The 'rents brought home some awesome groceries too! The photo below is the before picture of what became Sunday dinner and the object of Parker's desire.
That's right kitties, HAM!!!
And if you wonder where Miss Parker-Pants is today, she's sleeping off a Hog hangover.
It ain't pretty.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Did woo get snow in O HI O ?


Southbaygirl said...

HAM...yummy! I bet it tasted good! Mom doesn't eat meat so we don't get yummy meat much-unless she makes it just for us!

We're sorry we haven't visited in a long time! Mom is working 70 hour work weeks and is finding it hard to blog! But we miss our friends

-Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hog hangover...hahahahahah oh Rudy, yoor a furry funny mancat. Sure hope Parker's okay...hehehe

Teddy Westlife said...

Ham. Sigh. I love ham.

Huffle Mawson

Forever Foster said...

Rudy, you always make us smile! :) It sounds like your weekend was wonderful.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha! A hog hangover is not a bad thing to have. We have got ham for our purrfday on Wednesday. We hope you will all come to our party.

Gemel said...

Giggle giggle, what a wonderful weekend you have had....

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

What a great weekend.Keep an eye on Parker.

The Island Cats said...

Oh our mouths are watering!!!! Any left???

quiltcat said...

Hi Rudy. I bet you had fun chasing Puff, even though you're not supposed to! we've never had ham but that looks like one nice big hunk o' meat!

Cory said...

Hey, where are the leftovers?? We're on our way...we don't want you or Parker or anyone to have any more hangovers...sharing it will let us help you avoid that problem in the future!!!

The Creek Cats said...

Nom nom nom!!!

Dma said...

that ham looks tasty.

The Meezers or Billy said...

HAM!!!!!!!!! ::THUD::


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

mmmmmm. i love ham too!

smiles, auntie bee

Gemini and Ichiro said...

HAM! It almost made me forget about that lovely sun on your deck--but not quite.

Chrissie said...

Or is she in HOG HEAVEN? BWAHAHAHAHAH! OOoo, I think I hurt meself. I'm glad you had a good weekend, Rudy.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Were there lots of good smells out there? I chase Angel all the time, but lately, she has been chasing me!

The Army of Four said...

We've never had ham. I wonder how we can correct this injustice??!
Stop by the blog when you can! We have something for you!
Tail wags,

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

The Furry Kids said...

Whoa! All that ham! OMC!

Anonymous said...

Rudy, you always make us larf!

Ham sounds good to us! No wonder Parker has ham overload!

Elin said...

seems delicious!

The Florida Furkids said...

We've been doing a lot of chasing around here too.

HAM! We love HAM!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Daisy said...

My Mommie does not eat meats, so we never get anything delicious like HAM in our house. Rats!

Cliff and Olivia said...

That ham is gigantous. I'm drooling.


Rusty said...

Oooooh, HAM! Do you have leftovers? We live close to O-hi-O.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Parker and Rudy.

I'm glad you got a chance to totally relax over the weekend.

If you had ham yesterday, what 'cha going to have for Easter dinner?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ham? oh ymmmmmmy
This week-end was the greatest wasn't it?
I am glad you kitties got ham!
WE have a ham at our house too. I hope I get some

purrrrrrs Prinnie

Tuck said...

What a nice looking ham!!! Yummy!!!

Just Ducky said...

So Parker went 'hog wild'?!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend...especially the Hog Hangover. Yum!

Milton said...

Ham glorious HAM!
And some fresh out door air. Good weekend dude, good weekend.

Us4 Cats said...

snipper kitty- sniffn ham.

Quill and Greyson said...

That first photo is so funny!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We had ham at my party yesserday, but it was just a fat slab. We aint seen a whole ham inna long time... Must ask The Big Thing about that!

WCTs said...

Hog Hangover ... LOL!!! Ham rules ... As does bread, we think!