Back in June the very nice people at Breeze asked us if we would like to give their new litterboxes a try. We said that we would love to and before long we had four brand-new Breeze litter box systems delivered to us in O Hi O! Daddy followed the instructions on how to introduce the litter boxes to us and guess what? We used them right away with no hesitation. We liked them a lot. There was just one tiny problem. We had always used covered boxes because a certain doggie who shall remain nameless enjoyed litter surfing...
"I'm so embarrassed..."
You oughta' be, I bet we don't get another product placement opportunity for a long time!
Diamond likes cat biscuits? Yuckity, yuck, yuck, yuck!
Darling Millie sent us a $5 coupon for Breeze. As soon as Mom sees one on sale, she says we can try it, too.
Oh noes you sent Diamond dogs snack trays away?
Apparently it is normal for woofies to snack on these cat biscuits as it is a source of protein for them.
Have a nice week in OHIO, I hopes the sun is still shining and youse are allowed out on the deck. This week I thought I will show you some outside adventures, so you know what outside kitties like me get up to.
We have our litterbox in a special room so the woofies don't snack on cat biscuits.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Eeeewwwwww!!! But at least you made some other kitties happy!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Yuck-o! We had to take our Breeze box down because Pixie started to eat the pellets.
i am laughing so hard i have tears running down my face...
smiles, auntie bee
It's a laugh a minute in your house!
My humans bought me a new mat today to wipe my paws on as I step out of my litter box. Time will tell whether I agree to use it...
They took away your kitty box crunchies????? The horror! Actually, I haven't had any since that time I surfed and EG had giardia and then I got it too. That kinda sucked. All I gotta say, Diamond, is keep trying. One of these days, they'll slip up and leave the cover off and you can go to town. Good luck, dude.
Your pal,
Ewww. We will never understand woofies! But some other kitties got the Breezey thing, and now everybody is happy! Cept maybe Diamond. Sorry, Diamond! We already feels bad for you cause you were bornded a woofie instead of a kitteh, but that's not your fault. ; )
You're right - Ewwwwwww... Woofies are kind of weird! We have covered boxes but no woofies here.
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Litter Surfing that's so funny and disturbing.
That's why cats rule. Doggies even eats their own poopies. YUCK!
i'm impressed by your celebrityhood.
They sent you 4 Breeze boxes? We didn't get them, because we have 11 litter boxes here. Which might be considered a lot.
Luf, Us
Ooh that is kinda wierd of Diamond ~ we iz glad you gave the other two boxes to animal rescue..
Weird woofie is right.
Too bad you can't use the new boxes,but you gave them to a good home ;)
Dogs are weird!!!!!! They must not have taste buds,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Maybe someday they will get covers for the breeze boxes.
We still are refusing to use ours much at all...
I sure don't get woofies' snackin' habits ... Litterbox biscuits smell awful an' aren't very nutritious. Yuck.
Oh Parker, mom had a poodle that would do that too! She always wondered why she would do it! *giggles*
The look on Diamond's face is priceless, like he just knew he was in trouble. Too bad those litterboxes didn't work out in your house though.
Mindy & Moe
hehe, the pickshure of Diamond is so cute!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I've never tried Breeze, but we use covered ones as well.
You little angels are cute!
Sometimes Crazy Lady threatens to get covered litter boxes for us so that some of us (all turn to face Trixie) can't throw the darn litter so far!!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
bwaaa ha ha ha ha a CDWSRN! ha ha ha ha
actually i think you should have kept them to assure immediate box scooping or ahem "cleaning". my mommy only scoops once a day and sometimes every other day! jeez.
um....ewwwwww. Woofies do the strangest things.
Dat's why dogs will nefur take ofur the werld. Too bad da Breeze makers don't haf a cover fur dat box.
What Mom's always wondered is why litter box liners has 2 corners while litter boxes has 4. Dey just DON'T fit rite. We don't efun use dem, mostly cuz of dat. An claws.
Fanks fur yur good wishes bout my eye. It's better than it looks. Maybe after dis it will turn blue like yur eye? Kewl!
I don't think I'd like a box that doesn't have a cover. A mancat need his privacy when he's takin' care of busy-ness.
As for the other thing .... I just don't understand dawgs. **Shakes head**
Don't dogs just ruin everything? Hey, I'm impressed that you got one product placement opportunity! Kudos!
Oh Diamond, silly woofie. Mom laffs cuz our Teddy dog useta take poops out of da litter box and leave dem on da rug fur mom to find. Gess he thawt mom would blame da kitties fur pooping der. What he forgot was dat if yoo poop on da rug da poops don't gots litter on dem.
Oah My~!
I don't know what to say,
Teehee. You know, I must've been the only cat not contacted about these Breeze boxes!
I've got one of the stinkiest tushes around, and how come the Breeze Beans won't let me try one out!
So. Not. Uber.
Don't be embarrassed, Diamond. I think most dogs do that.
Ewwwww, indeed! We have the same problem when Shasta comes over to visit.
Once again, this proves that felines are the superior species. You don't see US eating dog poop!!!
Dogs, I swear. They're such trouble! We don't have any but sometimes Momma borrows one and then we hafta put chairs in front of the litterboxes.
I don't know about the Breeze litterbox, I'm worried it might eat my butt. :/
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