August 7, 2008

Powder On The Hunt

"Don't mess with me!"
This little 6 pound, 10 year old calico gal just deaded a HUGE cicada all by herself. If the parents had not stepped in, she would have eaten it too! Powder is a fierce huntress! Mrrrrooowww!


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

powder an mi brudder matsui wood make a grate teem. watch owt cicadaz an birdz ... da teem uv powder an matsui ar on da prowl!

Teddy Westlife said...

Go Powder! So far I have only deaded a tiny little lizard. I will try and catch a cicada too!

Poppy Q said...

Nothing wrong with eating cicadas. I have eaten hundreds of them and my mum thinks that you would use up more calories in the catching and chewing of them then would be in the whole bug.

Years ago my mum lived with two cats Elvis and Doodlebug and they used to eat the cicadas and swallow them alive, as they walked around the house you could hear them clicking still in the cats tummies.

Well done Poweder!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

all right Powder!!!! you are an awesome huntress!

Tybalt said...

Wow, Powder! That's super impressive! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Good girl, Powder! I think they should have let you eated it ;-)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Powder! What a mighty cat you are hunting those things!


Alright Powder! ONE for the teeny tiny kitty and NONE for the go girl....


Anonymous said...

WHOOHOO! isn't bug deading fun? way ta go!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

go powder, go powder ::spins::

Daisy said...

Way to go, Powder! We calico cats are plenty feisty.

Lux said...

Woohoo, Powder, good going! Just look at that face! :)

PB 'n J said...

Way to go Powder!

Anonymous said...

Good job Powder! All we gets to make deaded is small bugs that are on the floor which aren't as impressive as your cicada bug.

~ Shadow ~

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You go girl!!!

The Crew said...

You do look a bit perturbed, Powder dear. But then I would too if someone had just taken away a bug I'd dedded.


Black Cat said...

What a clever tiny girl:) xxx

The Furry Kids said...

Go Powder!!!

Unknown said...

Powder, I am very impressed! I can't believe you are only 6 lbs. - I am 3 times your weight. But, but, but...I am big boned, or so my Mum tells me ; )

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You go girl! Once a great Huntress, always a great Huntress!

Laila and Minchie

Forty Paws said...

She looks bigger than 6 lbs. If we ate a cicada, we'd probably yak.

Luf, Us

Forty Paws said...

Oh, and that lyme stuff stinks. And gets everything yellow. Jenny wouldn't have been dipped. Nope.

Luf, Us

Tiger Lily said...

Way to go Powder!

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Halloween said...

Puff, many paws to you! You are an awesome predator.


Karen Jo said...

Way to go, Powder! You are a fearsome hunter.

Anonymous said...

What a brave little cutie!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Sorry it took so long to tell yoo what a what a brave girl cat yoo are hunting dat giganamous cicada. We musta been on da same cat mind dis week coz me gotted one too! So I know how good yoo am to haf rastled dat big bug. I didn't get to eat my catch eifur. What's wrong wif dem humans? Don't we get to eat owr own catch?
Yur no. 1 fan,
Beau Beau