Hi! I'm Back! And this is my 500th post!

Wow have I ever missed you! I am so happy that our computer is sort of fixed and that I can get to visit you and tell you all of the news in O Hi O. The hard drive that is in my computer now is only a temporary one, it's a long story and I won't bore you all with the technical drama that has happened. Mommy says that maybe we should have just bought a new laptop for all of the hassle that this has caused...But anyhow, we are all fine and we have been busy playing and trying to keep cool. There is also a lot of action going on because tomorrow we are going to have company. Mommy's roommate from college is coming for a visit and she is bringing her son with her. He is 5 years old! I have never met a little bean before and I don't know how to feel about this. Are they really sticky? Do they really like to play with kitties? Should I hide? Mommy says that I will probably like him because he is very nice and has a woofie of his own at home and knows how to be nice to animals. I say just because he has a woofie at home does not mean he knows how to be with me! I'll let you know how things go...
AND next Friday we all have to go and meet a new V.E.T.!
Never a dull moment here in O Hi O!
It's good to be back on the innernets!
Smooches to all of you!
Parker!!! Welcome back. We really, really missed you!
Don't be too scared of the boy. We're sure he will be excited to see you and want to scritchie you all. Besides, the Paw of Death and the Big Bitey are always at your disposal, so you are always in charge of the situation.
We are so glad to see you back even with a temporary hard drive...computers will drive our beans crazee, won't they?
Momma keeps promising to fix the innernets back at home and I think she will and soon. WE can hope, can't we?
Have fun with the little boy bean, I think you will like him!
Glad you're back!!!!
We missed you Parker!! Glad you and your family are back.
Brenda & Ninja
we haf missded you so much Parker!! we was just whining to mommy this morning "we miss Parker - where is she? We wants to know!"
Parker, welcome back. WE MISSED YOU!!! What a great picture!
Welcome back! Great to see you again... Well, I guess we cannot say anything to calm you down with the wee one. Pumuckl was very afraid of a 5-year-old and hide in the closet hissing until they left.
Welcome back Parker! Congratulations on 500 posts!
Welcome back Parker, we missed you so! Congratulations on your 500th Post! And as for sticky beans, they are sorta okay, but I still hide a when ours comes to visit.
Your FL furiends,
Happy 500th post!!!
We sure missed you guys. We've had a lot going on at our house, too.
I'm not sure about sticky beans. Some came to visit us and I hid under the bed. They were super loud. Maybe if it's just one sticky bean, it'll be quieter. I think your mom will make sure you're safe though.
Welcome back Parker!!!! We missed you. We've been keep disappearing too what with broken modems and being locked up so the Beans could go on their Holly Days.AOL sent our new router at last, and now it's up and running.
Concatyoolayshuns on 500 posts.
Waaa hoooo Parker is back!
We've been wondering when everything would get fixed! We're so glad to have you back.
On the sticky bean, I'm not a huge fan. And Pearl and Bert have never really met little ones before - typically we all hide when they come over. But you never know!
And Concatulations on your 500th post!!!!
Wow! The computer made you wait all that time for your 500th post?! I'll say it deserved to be trashed, but I guess it's got a few more years now huh?
I am not sure about sticky beans. Dogs are chasable... kids? I'm not sure about.
Hi Parker! We missed you! wow 500 posts! that is awesome. congratulations to you all.
it is hot down here in SW Ohio too. no open windows and that stinks.
sticky beans are OK if they know 3 words: "Be Gentle" and "No"
have fun!
Parker, I am so glad you are back! Hooray!
And congratulations on your 500th post!
welcome back and congrats on your milestone post.
lil beans can be OK but they can also be a lil energetic. i'd be cautious.
OMC's 500 Posts?? Dat is alot! Con Cat U Lations on this Parker!!
We is so glad you are back too, we missed your posts.
We missed you and are very glad that you are back. Concatulations on your 500th post - that's a lot of posts!!
Welcome back Miss Parker - we missed you!
Congrats on your 500th post!
Unfortunately I can't advise you about those little sticky humans...not YET anyway!
I recommend showing the sticky person where the treats are early on, so he can learn how to give them to you. But just in case, have a high spot to escape to. Good to see that you are back!
Welcome back, Parker! I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you a lot.
I don't know about the sticky beans. Playing with dogs and cats are 2 different kinds of playing. I say give the sticky beans a chance and if he bothers you too much, get a good hiding spot.
Congratulations on your 500th post!
Dearest Parker,
You're BACK!!! Oh, we is so happy! We've really missed you and your o HI o family!!! Promise to come back tomorrow, 'kay?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers And Purrs Gang
Welcome back Parker!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your 'puter does not give you more trouble!!!
It's so nice to see your pretty face again :)
Happy 500th Post too!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
First, congratulations on your 500th post. That is very impressive. Second, don't worry about the small sticky creature. He will pat you and say you are a pretty kitty; what more do you need? Third, UGH a new V-E-T! I'm sorry.
Huffle Mawson
Welcome back, we missed you.
We are glad you are back in the blogosphere! Concats on your 500th post too! That is very impressive!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
PARKER! ((((hugs)))) we missed yoo. We don't know about 5 year old sticky beans we haf one dat just turned 3 and he is nice to us but sometimes he is sticky...and swetty, he goes outside and runs around den he comes in and he is kinda wet.
Concats on your 500th post ~ hope you have a happy weekend...
Great to see u back, Parker! :waves paws:
And congrats on ur 500th post, wow!
With mini beans, u'll neva know, but u may be pleasantly surprised!
Look forward to your update!
Happy weekend!
Happy 500th
Whoopee! You're back.
Sounds like this internet/computer bit has been a hassle. We hope things go better now.
Have fun with the sticky bean.
We hate it when the silly computers don't work!!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 perf
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