June 3, 2008

Tattle Tail Tuesday

It's a rainy day here in O Hi O. This means that Mommy won't be able to ride her bike to her hunting place today. But that's not my tattle, I could have another tattle about the furry state of my Gizzy quilt, but that isn't it either.

The tattle is this - when she takes off down the driveway, daddy hums a tune from The Wizard of Oz. Think Elvira Gultch coming for Toto...! (Hoo Boy, he's gonna be in trouble now!)


Millie said...

Amazing what you can get away with when you love somebody like that!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Your dad sounds very silly!

It's great that your mom can ride her bike to work. :)

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hee hee. Snicker. We din know dose kinda bikes were around anymore. hee heeheehe
We bet yoo don't look anyfing like da wicked witch of da west tho.

Anonymous said...

She needs a picnic basket on the back of her bike! Now we know that your Mommy doesn't look like Elvira Gultch! That's just silly! But just in case, maybe she shouldn't get wet! Witches melt! hehehe.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We also have big rain here, will be a week!!!!!
Oah~~~ Dear~~~
That is very lovely riding bike to work, very breezy!


Now that was a tattle...woowoo Daddy yoo might be in BIG trubble...


The Meezers or Billy said...
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The Meezers or Billy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. he may be in big trouble, but at least he didn't jump on your mommy's face.

Irishcoda said...

(voice just like a junior high kid): Oh-oooooooooooooooooh! LOL, ya gotta have a great sense of humor when you're married! :D

Mickey's Musings said...

Your Dad sounds like my Grandad! He had a silly sense of humour too and liked to tease Grammie :)
Purrs Mickey

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Does your mommy know about this??

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a bootiful shiny bike your mommy has! My mommy says they just don't make bikes like they use to. Now she can't get that tune out of her head. hahaha!

Thank you for nice words and purrayers for my sister, Lilly.


Liss said...

hehe, that's classic.

Tybalt said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! You got your daddy in trouble!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think that is very silly of your male, but they are like that, aren't they?

Jimmy Joe said...

Hahahahaha, that is a great tattle, Parker! I think maybe your daddy will come home with some pretty flowers later this week...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Uh-oh, that's quite a tattle, Parker.
Missy Blue Eyes

Mr. Hendrix said...

ooo that is a good tattle Parker. your daddy better come home with flowers, or jewelry, or chocolate....
it is rainy and stormy here too. that stinks.

PB 'n J said...

Mommy is laughing and saying 'yep, your Daddy sure will be in trouble tonight!'

It's rainy here too - but no thunder so far.

Forty Paws said...

Whooopees! Hey, that bike looks a little bit old doesn't it? It's in very good shape though!

Luf, Us

The Furry Kids said...

Oh dear. I think your daddy might be a little bit in trouble. Momma's going to need extra cuddles from us tonight, though. The Wizard of Oz freaks her out. hee hee


Christine and FAZ said...

Oh, naughty daddy.

Shaggy and Scout said...

HA! Mom does that whenever a neighbor lady rides by on her's!!!
Hey....I got onto your blog today! Somedays it just won't let me comment. Very Frustrating!
You are gorgeous on your Gizzy!

Daisy said...

Your mom has a pretty bike. I especially like the shiny chrome fenders. I think streamers on the handlebars would add a really festive touch!

Mr. Hendrix said...

hey Parker, what county in Ohio are you in? we heard some are getting tornado warnings. we're in Butler and even tho it is stormy like crazy, we are OK.

jenianddean said...

::snicker, snicker:: That sounds like something my dad would do.

I agree with Daisy...it does need streamers on the handlebars.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, streamers on da handlebars and a "banana seat"...tho yoor mom prolly duzzent know what that is. Den yoor bike will look like our mom's...yoor dad sounds a lot like ours, he should get yoor mom something shiney fur being so nawty.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, streamers on da handlebars and a "banana seat"...tho yoor mom prolly duzzent know what that is. Den yoor bike will look like our mom's...yoor dad sounds a lot like ours, he should get yoor mom something shiney fur being so nawty.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

ooopsy! Does Diamond have a dog house handy? ~Queen Snickers

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Firstly, WHAP Puff, WHAP it!

Ummm I has to say Mommy Bean hads been humming that tune before she reads the rest of the story.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hahaha your daddy's in BIG trouble.

MaoMao said...

hehehe, yur Daddy sounds like a furry funny feller! And that bike brings back memories fur my Momma!

You look so cute, layin on yur Gizzy quilt!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Motor Home Cats said...

I'd watch out if one of them ever says "I'll get you my pretty, and your little cat, Parker, too."

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Deana said...

Oh no, I'd have to get your dad for that one.

Willow said...

Uh Oh, your daddy just might be in trouble! My Food Lady used to have a green bike with the basket in the front and a kid seat on the back (for my bean sister when she was little) and she was teased a lot.

Purrrrrrs, Willow

Anonymous said...

Your Daddy sounds like a hoot! :)

Things went well at the vet, I'm happy to say. :) Thank you so much for your thoughts and purrs for me!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Just Ducky said...

Mum has a bike but it is fancier than this one. She wears a helmet when she rides too.

catsynth said...

We wouldn't make fun of your dad for that. Everyone is entitled to little bits of fun like that :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Daddy's get themselfs in trubble alla time. But we laffed to.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, Parker! Mine mom haded a basket on the back of her bike in middle school an uprite handle bars when efurryone "cool" had curved bars, and boys would run after her shoutin, "Come back, Toto, come back!" just to be mean. Efun meaner, they'd throw backpacks at her an once squeezed a grapefruit all ofur the seat. Mom says boys are mean in middle school, but dat would mean MY boy is mean, but he's not mean. Purrs!
PS Mom says yur Mom's bike looks kewl an "retro". An fenders may look silly, but you don't get "freshman stripe" after it rains!

Quasi said...

Maybe your mother should teach your father some songs from "Wicked."

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Oh oh *kitty eyes go BIG*
We keep our paws crossed for ur Daddy, though it's really funny when we imagine the scene! :D

Sunny's Mommy said...

Haha! Does Diamond have a dog house? Is your Daddy in it?

Chrissie said...

"And your little dog, too!"

meemsnyc said...

WoW! We absolutely love your mom's Schwinn bike!! Our mom has wanted one of those for a loooong time. Yours is so pretty..

The Furry Bambinos said...

Hee hee hee! To paraphrase Tootie from The Facts of Life: "Your Daddy is in trubble... make that a dubble!"

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat