Some of you have asked about my kittens.
So I have decided to tell you a little about them. You can also learn more here in my Catster bio. I also talked about them in the book We Are The Kitties ...And We Writed You This Book .
Below is my first photo. I was still pretty feral and very untrusting.

Yup, still feral here too.

Daddy tried every kind of food to get me to trust him. Even hot dogs. Blech!

Getting a little more trusting and closer to coming inside.
I forgot to mention to my Daddy that I was pregnant. Oops! Here are some of my kittens after I brought them to meet Daddy. I had a total of 5 kittens. They were all very pretty. All of the ones in the above photos were girls.
All of the girls together.

Finally inside and loving it!

Here is my little boy. He looks like his Dad.

They liked to play outside (supervised).

Learning that love is a good thing (and so is stinky goodness!)All of my kittens were spayed and neutered. Daddy worked very hard to find every one of them good homes. I was sorry to see them leave, but I was very happy that Daddy wanted to keep me even though there were 3 other kitties living in Mommy and Daddy's home in Kansas City. Some of you may not know this but Daddy worked for a few years in a SW Kansas town a long way from Kansas City. He would drive back and forth. When he would go home to see Mommy and my soon-to-be sibs, he'd get a sitter to come and take care of me! When he went back to Kansas City for good, I came along! My kittens all stayed in Kansas and are doing fine! And you all know we moved to O Hi O and are living happily ever after! I really am glad that I always get to put the formerly in front of feral! Have a great Friday!
Your kittens have been very cute, and it's so nice to hear they are all doing so well! Your dad is really a great man!
We have passed an award to you!
Parker, they look precious! Such a wonderful happy ending for all of you! Thank you for sharing your kitten story with us!
Fanks for da story Parker! It is so great to see how your life path has been going. Your babies were so cute in dat picture.
Those were lovely babies you had Parker. Your dad was very good to find them all nice homes. We are glad you aren't feral anymore otherwise we would never have met you.
Dear Parker,
That was a lovely family story. I had no idea you were an author! You are quite the cat.
Abby Normal
That is one of the bestest ever stories I have ever heard...we are doing cat back jumps because all of your kittens found loving and forever homes...
We are very happy that your dad rescued you and your kittens, and found wonderful Forever Homes for all your babies! :)
Parker, we are so glad that you're not feral any more. You sure picked a good Daddy!
how could anyone not like hot dogs?
cute kitties.
What beautiful babies! I'm so glad that you decided that your dadbean was a nice guy and that everyone got a good forever home.
what great photos! i read your story in the book, but the color pics of the kittens and your skinny self make us even more happy you found your daddy.
PS "he looks like his dad" ha ha ha obviously daddy was handsome!
PPS I tagged you for a Meme!!
I'm glad we're both formerly feral.
That was a great story, Parker, one that all ferals deserve. Problem is that there aren't enough beans around like your daddy & mommy, or many that are blogging or on Catster. But, through stories like yours we are recruiting new cat lovers and someday Parker, someday........=^Y^=Ty
Oh what lovely kits! I did so miss my kits but I am glad you got such a fine home Parker!
Ok, I get that you were an UBER momcat, and that there was a dadcat somewhere and you two made some UBER cute kittens.
I just don't get how you two made the kittens. Mail-order? Tape? I asked MomBean but got a thunk for it.
Parker, you had gorgeous kittens! I am so glad that you have a "former" in front of "feral," too! Your dad is super awesome! Purrrrrrs.
What a wonderful story! I had no idea youe had such an exciting beginning and that you were a mommy! It sounds like your Daddy is a very good Daddy!
Oh Parker, what a lovely family! You are so lucky to have such a special Dad!
Your kittens were all very very pretty! You certainly have meezer in you with your pretty blue eye and your kittens. You really are a Daddy's girl aren't you? That is really nice.
Parker... do you know that one of your kitties looks just like me???
Also. I was feral once too! It's true. Pumpy and I were found in a parking lot in Harlem NYC. We've always been a little shy.
I enjoyed your story. Kudos to your dad for taking such good care of you and your kittiesl
Parker, thanks for telling us about your babies. It's really amazing how far you have come since then. I am especially happy that your dad kept you and found homes for the babies. Many people would have kept a kitten instead. That would have been a very big mistake!
Oh Parker, you had the cutest kittens! I loved looking at all these pictures. Your dad did a good good thing!
Momma read me your story in the book! I'm so happy everything turned out so good for you sand your babies! I may have to get momma to get out my babies old pictures! ~Queen Snickers
What an adorable little family! And your dad is wonderful. Give him a big purrry cuddle from us.
You're a lucky girl Parker, just like me. We have great dads!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
I love stories with happy endinds :) Your kitties were so cute too! Your Dad sounds like a really cool guy!!
Purrs Mickey
we're so happy for you Parker, most of us here were formerly feral too, now it's Myorie & Dixie's turn sharing their story...
meaouwy troops
What a sweet post Parker!!!! Your kittens were just as beautiful as you are. I am glad your Dad worked so hard to find them good homes.
Purrs, Goldie and Shade
Dearest Parker,
You were a wonderful mommy and your babies were just as beautiful as you! You should be so proud!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Thanks for sharing all those photos of you and your kittens. I am so glad your Daddy rescued all of you.
Those are the most adorable kittens! How cute!
Luf, Us
And they lived happily ever after....your daddy is a prince!!!! you are a beautiful princess Parker!
What a fairy tale, goose bumpily feel good story! Your babies were gorgeous and so lucky to have found your daddy and gotten wonderful forever homes. You are the luckiest one of all, though, as you got to stay with your daddy! SQUEE!
Aww, what a sweet story! We love happy endings! Your Dad is a wonderful human! Thanks for sharing your story and the photos of your babies!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Parker, I didn't know that you were a mommy. Your story is very special because it highlights what wonderful parents you have. It's time for my mom and me to go to bed. I think we'll both sleep with visions of you and your baby kitties being taken care of.
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