It's ASPCA day and I am going orange for it! 
There are lots of nice things all around. Sometimes you have to look a little harder for them, but they are there. Here's 13 nice things that I discovered this week!
Mommy seeing something so silly that it makes her snort Diet Coke out of her nose!
My orange brother Rudy in a rare, quiet moment in the sun.
Me trying not to get fired on Wozog's Cat Apprentice Contest! If I win, the money goes to Cat Friends Helping Friends - Which is a very nice thing too!
Sunny gave this award to me - over two weeks ago! Thank-you Sunny, that was very nice of you! Sunny's Mommy takes very pretty photos of him (and his gravy), and of his siblings.
Sweet and gentle Marilyn gave this award to me. It was started by Ariel. Isn't it pretty? I think it is and I am very honored that Marilyn passed it on to me! I am giving this to Rocky and the crew at Artsy Catsy for all of the hard work they have done to help kitties in the Blogosphere. The weather has been a very nice for the last few days. The birds (and yes that was Mr. Cardinal singing for Mrs. Cardinal yesterday) are all over the place and so are the squirrels. There is so much to watch out of the windows!
The sun has been out a lot too! Sun baths are very, very nice.
We get to go out on the deck for a little while in the evening when Mommy isn't too tired. We stand by the upstairs door and crrrrryyyyyyyy for her to let us out. We're pathetic, but it's nice to get to go out!
It's nice to get chicken treats when Daddy grills. We cry for that too. And yes, we are pathetic when we do that as well!
It was also nice to win a round of TENT WARRRRRRS! I beat Rudy the other night, yup, I did!
And last but not least, it's nice to be here in the big house in O Hi O. I am safe and happy and loved. I salute the ASPCA for trying to help other animals be as lucky as me!
.....has Puff been 'showin' it all' on the deck?........
Wandering off to the aspca site now 'cause I didn't know it was aspca day! Happy TT!
KC said...
Enjoyed yours Thursday Thirteen, Parker, sounds like a good week...
and congraulashuns on yours awards, you really deserves them all.
Purrs, KC
Thank you SO MUCH for the Pawesome award, Parker!
It look like you've had a nice week so far, and that's pawesome, too.
Congratulations on winning a tent war
Thanks for the award good buddy. I'll post it on my blog later
Great post Parker!
Congrats on your awards!
Wow! Puff looks very cute on the deck. Warmin' her belly.
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
Congratulations on all of your well deserved awards!
We DID NOT vote for you!!!
Those are some wonderful things on your T13, Parker. We're pathetic, too. In fact, we've got our cute little pathetic faces down cold. Mom's a total sucker for it.
We bought the ASPCA's scrapbook, so now Mom's gonna have brain pains figuring out if she can do anything with it!
Congratulations on your awards! They are very well deserved. :) We are glad that you are getting to go outside on the deck!
We aren't American, so we haven't gone orange, but we did support the ASPCA by buying a digital scrapbooking kit made for them. We also support a lot of local animal charities.
ha ha ha.... horton hears the who.....hah ha ha
I really, really love nice things! I am going to go now and NOT vote for you. Good luck!
We saw your purrty picture on Digicats... it's just right for you.
Makin' beans shoot drinks out of their nose is pawsome! ;)
Wow, lot's of things happening at your place! Congrats to your award!
Wow! you beat Rudy at tent warrs? That's impressive, cuz Rudy's a pretty big mancat. Those are all very nice things you listed.
oh those are some very wonderful things Parker!
That was a gorgeous picture of Rudy. It looked like one of those old world master paintings.
It's really nice to see "good news". Momma gets so tired of watching the news on TV because all they report is bad stuff. She says that they ought to be more like kitties. We know what's important! Concentrate on the good things in life.
Concats on all of your wonderful awards.
Concatuwations on all the awards! Those are gweat nice things you've spotted.
HORTON HEARS THE WHO!!!! Mommy snorted at that one, too.
Parker, those are all GREAT things you have listed. I'm so glad you are safe and warm and loved in your house in O-HI-O too! Your picture on digicats is absolutely lovely. You look great in pink! Purrrs.
Those are very good things to be thankful for! And you look very nice in orange!
Momma liked the Horton picture. hee hee
Great post, Parker! We're headed over right now to NOT vote for you. :)
That's a super T13 Parker - all nice things!
Ahhhh Parker, those really are nice things. Sometimes us cats with forever homes don't realize how good we have it.
Congratulations on all your awards! They're very well deserved.
That's great that all of you are getting out on the deck, and getting fresh grilled chicken out there, too! That's almost like a party! All you need now is cold beverages.
Regarding the contest at wozog, please make sure to remind us when voting occurs. I only go vote on the site's contests when a cat mentions it. I want to be sure to continue to NOT vote for you. I read what was posted there today and I'm just rolling my eyes.
Parker, those goldens were VICIOUS. They came bounding right over. To our yard. BOUNDING. AND PRANCING. AND SMILING THEIR DAWG SMILES. It was terrifying.
Good things every kitty has reminds Mom about Orange Day, she didn'ts know!
Rudy certainly fits in with all the orange today.
MMMmmm, sun baths, chicken and tent've got it made, Parker, in that big house in O hi O!
Sounds like you had a great week! Congrats n all those awards! And good luck in Wozog, you have really nice plans for the prize.
What a good T13 :)
I sometimes cry to get out. Maybe a tad too much.Guess that's why I don't go out! Hmmmmmmmmm...
Purrs Mickey
Concats on all your awards. We went to Wozog and voted, but not furr you.
Congratulations on your awards. They are very well deserved!!!
Those were nice 13 nice things. I didn't know about orange day in time. But I'm glad you have a safe home in Ohio.
Your brudder iz orangie...dat iz grreat! Dat waz furry smart of him to wear hiz furz on today.
Congratyounationz on all deze fine awardz. We tink you haz selected some great cats to pass dem on to.
Congratulations on your awards, Parker. I went to Wozog and voted for somebody else. So far you have 0 votes. Thank you for the T13 on good things. It's so easy to get all bogged down in the bad things.
Rudy is a very handsome orange boy!
We went orange, too.
~ Noah
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