April 24, 2008

Thursday 13 - Flower Pictures

Mommy and Daddy love flowers in the spring almost as much as they love me! Last weekend they went to a greenhouse and got some posies for our home.

There were a lot of pretty flowers to choose from.
Here's the makeshift gardening work area.
Daddy had to put things in the porch to hold the new baskets.

Here's one of the finished baskets - it will get "floofy and full" later in the season.

It's hard to see them from this far away!

But you can see some of our tulips!

And the blue flowers.

And all colors of flowers!

Hey! Look at me! Kitty wanting attention here! I think I'm just as pretty as all of those flowers! Mommy said I was!


Anonymous said...

Parker, you have a lovely new header! Beautiful!!

Mom says to tell you she just loves your house! It's fantastic! Spring has most definitely, and finally, arrived in O HI O!

Millie said...

Those flowers are pretty, but not as pretty as a pretty cat like you.

Hootin Anni said...

Flowers....NOW you're talkin'!!! I love flowers...any kind, any time. What a beautiful home and yard. That first photo of the plant nursery made my heart skip a beat, I LOVE to go shopping there.

Have a terrific Thursday...my t-13 is posted too, it'll take a bit of doing to comprehend it all, but it's worth a shot. Come see if you can decipher it.

Ana said...

Great how your humans always make their house and garden so nice! It looks just beautiful with all those flowers around... and with you of course :) You are the most beautiful flower of all!


You have such a booteefull victorian house. Momma loves loves loves those houses (we don't have that many of them in Florida) and she says your flowers are glorious! (And so are you!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are pretty flowers and we love the three kitty plantpots, but of course we love you the best.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

yup ... yer jus az prettee az all doze flowerz.
yer howse iz goint look byootiful wen evreethin growz in.
mi mom duz her yeerlee plantin on mudder'z day.

Laura Paxton said...

I LOVE the cat cups full of flowers! Great spring makeover!

Cecil the Cougar: said...

Parker, you have pretty flowers, a pretty house, pretty cool guard lions, but you are prettiest of all!!

I am thinking a little bit about girlcats. I mean, once I get the cooties vaccine, I think I would like to find a ladycat-friend.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Are those violets in the cat pots?

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

you are so pretty parker!!!

i loves your flowers. ohh and mombean said she LOVES your house!!! our house is far more boring and also it is still a baby because it is even younger than me!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

beautiful home but i love the last photo the bestest!!!

smiles, auntie bee

jenianddean said...

Your flowers are beautiful! The hanging plants are going to be gorgeous! Mom and dad worked on our flower beds all last weekend and they say they will be out there all this weekend too. I better get lots of brushes when this whole planting season is over!!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

PS I love your new header!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Your yard and all the flowers and plants look beautiful! But never as beautiful as you, Parker :-)

The Furry Kids said...

Very pretty flowers and very pretty Parker!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What a great looking yard!

I hope you got the attention you were looking for!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What lovely flowers your human has put around your house! You are very lucky.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You are certainly much more beautiful than all the flowers~!!!

Your house's flower is very very pretty, I am really enjoy seeing them!!

Liss said...

Your house is very nice! Very nice! And you are certainly prettier than the flowers.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those flowers a such a pretty sight!! Too cold for those here still! But Soon!!!!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommy perked right up's when I showeds her the planters that had kittys on them! She says she gots to has one. I do not know why though, she always manages to kill the plants - eh with a bit of help from us kittys that is!

PB 'n J said...

Your house is looking so springy Parker! Mommy is scared to buy plants just yet, not only does she tend to kill them, but she's worried about a last frost up here!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We like your new header Parker.It's all pretty and spring like. Don't know how we missed it when we visited earlier.

Daisy said...

That's a fantastic photo of your beautiful house, framed just right by the trees. It looks so inviting!

Tybalt said...

What beautiful flowers! But Parker is the most beautiful flower of them all. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, you guys have so many beautiful flowers. I really, really love your cat planter.

Sadly, we don't have any flowers! We pay strata fees so the gardeners look after all the lawns and trees and Mum would really like some flowers, but she is a flower murderer! If there is a flower or plant within 10 feet of her it suddenly keels over : (

Anonymous said...

Hi Parker,
You are adorable and I love your house and flowers.
I blog about flowers at www.teleflora.com/flowerblog. There's flower news, trends, events, horoscopes and a chance to win free flowers. Hope you or your Mom & Dad will check it out.

Sweets the Cat said...

My servant says your home is beautiful! And kitties are most definitely prettier than silly flowers! Although flowers are fun to roll around in and try to eat.

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! You have beautiful flowers!! We have ond daffodil in bloom and others are ready to open. Everything else is still pushing up through the ground!!!!!!
Our season is later than yours ;)
Purrs Mickey

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our mommy loves flowers too but she doesn't think dat der is any flower dat is purrtier den a kitty...even Speedy, and he hasn't been nice lately!

Lux said...

Parker, you are prettier than any of those flowers - though they're mighty pretty! I love your house - it looks like a mansion!

Just Ducky said...

Pretty flowers and pretty kittie too. But I also noticed some blooming trees out by the street!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Silly peoples. Kitties should get pets after every step of every task. Then they get lots done, and we get lots of pettings!


PS. It's lots of work having an artist as a OTW. She's always playing with strings and needing snoopervision, and she needs me to model lots, and spends too much time on the computer designing stuff instead of rubbing my belly!

Team Tabby said...

The picture of you, Parker, is the best. You are lovelier than the flowers and the flowers are lovely, so that says a lot! You are going to have a great flowering display later on. We have given up on tulips, the vishus deer love them - love to eat them that is.

Mindy & Moe

Motor Home Cats said...

There is a planter for Rudy and one for Powder, and a grey tabby one - where is the one for you and the one for Puff? We really like them and all your flowers

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Karen Jo said...

Your flowers are all very pretty. I love the kitty planters. Of course, you are prettier than any of them, Parker. I really like your new header.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We're jealous. You have a very beautiful home! Mom loves fresh plants/flowers but she has never been able to keep them alive.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great flowers! We specially liked the kitty plant pots... One thing we know is that when The Big Thing comes inside after plantin stuff, his hands just smell all the most innerestin!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh my gosh! We LOVE your house! and what a porch you have! Sure beats our little 6 foot balcony! It's too early yet for us to be planting purrty flowers. Until then, we'll enjoy yours!

Mr. Echo said...

Look at all those posies to sniff! You gots way more posies than we do. You are a lucky kitty!

Forty Paws said...

Beautiful flowers! You've got such a cool house!

Luf the picture of you wanting attention!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Love those primroses!