Powder really loves Diamond.
I'd like to thank all of the kitties and beans who offered laps yesterday, but I got Daddy's lap back. He tells me that he just had a lapse in judgement and that his lap is mine anytime I want it. I would also like to ask that you go here and don't vote for me! If I win, the prize goes to Cat Friends Helping Friends. Thanks for doing this!
WE didn't vote for you! :-) That sounds so funny to say!
We loved how Powder was getting all flirty with Diamond...I bet she has him wrapped around her little paw...
Powder yoo looks so cute rubbing up to Diamond Doggie. Ohhh dat's sooooo cute. Plus we can see yur pretty floofy tail. Parker dat was a good tale yoo tole today.
It's cute that Powder loves Diamond. After all, Diamond is a large, portable, floofy, warm napping object! Hey, Diamond sounds pretty good to us!
Powder, those are cute photos of you and Diamond. :) Very sweet. :)
Parker, we are glad you got the lap back! We are going over to NOT vote for you!
We're with you Parker, Powder has lost her marbles ... hee hee! But we only think that because we're afraid of woofies! We are so glad you got Daddy's lap back too! Oh, and Momma loves your pretty wood floors!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Smootch ninja!
I agree with you Parker - she lost her marbles. However, BG (the woofie who lives here but is NOT my sister) thinks Diamond is cute.
Captain Jack loves on our woofie Samwise just like Powder does on Shadow. Yes, we are convinced that both Powder and the Captain are very very weird!
Dante and Fagin
*GASP* shudder how can she bear to get so close to a woofie? I would never do that!
We love yesterday's picture of Rudy on the lap, mum still can't get over how much alike he and I look. My long lost brother!
Hee hee! If you change those pictures to a white dawg and a speckly kitty, it would be the same as at our house. I always love on Titus and he never ever knows what to do. Hahahahahahaha!
PS - I'm glad you got your lap back.
We did not vote for you Parker just as you asked.
Diamond and Powder are so cute together!
That is cute - we're a little uneasy around dogs, but we can see there is real familial affection there :)
We didn't vote for you either!
Powder looks very flirty with Diamond, that is so cute!
I didn't vote for you Parker, I hope you win!
We like what Gandolf & Grayson said about Diamond being a large, portable, floofy warm napping object.
No wonder she adores him!
Diamond seems just a little bit puzzled a lot of the time! But he seems like a very sweet doggie.
So far, you have the fewest votes!
There is nothing wrong with loving a woofie - I love my Georgie. Powder it just very smart!
How sweet that Powder loved Diamond.
YOu never know, Parker... sometimes it is good to have a.... DOG on your side, haaa I can't believe i said that, but Diamond is one of my faves!
I am glad you got your dad back!!
When we had our dog, Ollie used to do that to him all of the time. He loved it. He even let her take over his doggie bed anytime she wanted. Your pictures today bring back fond memories for me :-)
I went to the site and I did NOT vote for you ;-)
Oh Parker, I'm so glad you got your Daddy's lap back! It is the obvious place for Princess Parker who is Perfect.
WOW, good job Parker I bet you're going to win!
I'm also hosting a contest if you'd like to try your paw at that.
Parker, its a NOMS romance betweens them, don't you thinks? Diamond doesn't seem if he is sure he should show his feelings either. Hmmmmm, odd, very odd.
Those sure are cute pikture of Powder and Diamond.
ps - we didn't vote for Parker.
We have been over and not voted furr you Parker.
Powder looks cute wiv Diamond Dawg. We haf never been that close to a dawg. We would probly be skeered.
Now dat iz one nice lookin' d-a-w-g. No wonder Powder wants to kissee him. Da momee here wants to, & she doezn't evfun knowz him! Goofy momee!
Tanks fur makin' my birf-day da bestee evfur!
(HIC!) Dr T
Diamond seems like a furry nice woofie!
Aww, those pictures are just the sweetest!
Well dogs sometimes don't know what cats really mean.
Thats super nice of Powder to give Diamond some lovin. We could all use some of that.
Hey Parker!
I've seen your comments at a zillion of your friends' sites that I've just hopped on thru...
... and they say cat and dog do not get on..(!!)
OURS always did... it was so entertaining when they (play) fought. Kittie, of course, always wins against the savage fangs of the tamed house-wolf!!
Great site, great going!
Take it e.z.
and all the best
"vol 2"...
PS THREE DAYS silently on the run and I found my missing hamster last night!!
Just a little bit thin. But safe at home now!! Locked up in her maximum security nest. The swine!!
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