April 25, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday - My Boo Boo

I have a Boo Boo! My brother Rudy is the prime suspect. His history of being a big orange meanie is well documented here and here. Being formerly feral you would think that a scratch on the nose would not bother me. But it does. I am a peaceable kitty. The only good thing about this scratch is that Mommy feels very sorry for me and I have been able to get a squillion sympathy treats. Rudy has received none. So Ha-Ha Rudy!

"I have the right to remain silent..."


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh poor pretty Parker! Yoo has an OWIE on yur nose jus like Beau Beau! Do yoo finks dat schmaybe Rudy scratched his nose too?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh poor Parker. I haf a booboo on my chin, but I put it there myself.

Anonymous said...

Boo Boos are a very effective way to receive sympathy treatys. We are glad that it is a small boo boo. It certainly does not diminish your beauty, Parker!


owie Parker we hopes it doesn't hurt too badly. WE hope that all the sympathy treats give you quick healing.


Poppy Q said...

Parker your scratchie look sore. We are blowing you kisses to make it get better.

Your mum and dad asked why their friend Steve calls himself Kiwi Steve. Kiwis are our national bird, you could look them up on google as they sure are funny looking. We call ourselves kiwis as it identifies where we are from, and New Zealanders is such a long two words. When your beans see him next they should say to him "Kia Ora Mate" (pronounced Ki Ora). I am sure he will laugh - it means hello, nothing rude.

Kiwi kisses to you all, except maybe Rudy.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no Parker! kissy kissy - we hopes you feel better!

Rudy, dude, does you need a lawyer? You better call Finnegan J. Katz over at Finny and Buddy's house. He's really good

Honey P. Sunshine said...

rudy patootie, bad boy

Mickey's Musings said...

Awwww,Parker, you have a hurty nose :(
I am glad you are getting lots of treats :)
Rudy looks like he is still plotting something ;) Watch out!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

"Oh" my poor Parker.Rudy you've been naughty you shouldn't hurt Parker she's so sweet.

Titus said...

Boo boos are no fun! I get them on my nose sometimes from a certain someone who wears a grey tuxedo. It's not cool. I hope your hurty nose feels better soon.

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

I hopes your booby feels better soon!

Boy said...

Oh dear! Pway nicewy guys!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww honey, poor little kitty. want some treats????

smiles, auntie bee

PB 'n J said...

Some times I get owies when the kitties smack me in the nose, but sometimes I deserve it :-)

I tagged Diamond Dog for a meme over on our bloggie!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I can see you are using that boo boo to the maximum effect. Are you sure Rudy hasn't done you a favor by getting your those extra treats?

Tybalt said...

Poor Parker! Rudy does look a little suspicious, hiding in the tent . . .

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Hmmm Rudy sure does chew on you's alot. I wonders, does that mean he really likes you, ALOTS??

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I hope you are getting better soon, Parker~!
I am sure you will be ok!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh no Parker! We are so sorry that you have a boo boo. We hope its get better soon!

Tara said...

Poor Parker! I would not like that very much either, but the sympathy would be pretty nice...


Boy said...

I'm back! I tagged you for a meme!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I am so sad and sorry that you have been attacked by your orangie brother. Your wound looks very large. be sure not to get it infected... more treats are good for that.
Rudy!!!! that's right. Time out in the tent!

purrrs for a happy week-end

Mr. Echo said...

I hope you don't need plastik surgury!

Forty Paws said...


Luf, Us

Daisy said...

Oh Rudy, what have you done? ::shakes head sadly::

Unknown said...

Uh oh, has Rudy been putting the bitey on you again? Well actually, I guess he put the scratchy on you this time!

Look sad and pitiful Parker and get all the treats you can : )

DK & The Fluffies said...

Sending some nose bumps...

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh no, a boo boo on your beautiful nose! But I think no one will notice because everyone is too captivated by your gorgeous face & eyes.

Oh, Parker, congratulations on naming the CFHF kitty - "Miss Lenda Paw" is just brilliant!!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I wonder if your brother Rudy would get along with my sister PooPoo?

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Those silly kittens of ours are always getting scratches on their faces too, but it's because they do it to each other. They play too rough for us, then when Grr tries to put the bitey on them she gets squirted. It's not fair really - obviously they LIKE that sort of thing.

Congratulations on winning the Name the Kitty contest! We can't wait to see what's in that cool prize bag!

Sweets the Cat said...

He looks guilty to me!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh Parker that is definately not very nice of your brother. Keep sucking it up, we are sure your beans will give you lots of sympathy treats!

Jimmy Joe said...

I'm sorry your brother is such a roughneck, Parker, but at least you're gettin' some extra pity treats! I think Rudy be grounded and not get to smell the pretty flowers all weekend.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Owwee! Me gots a boo boo too! Me gots a wittle rip ins my ear!!! Snickor got in BIGS trouble. Yup. ~Empress

Unknown said...

Poor Parker. We hope you get lots of Temptations to make you well soon!!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I can tell you are a very peaceable kittie, Parker. In addition to sympathy treats, I think paybacks are in order in your particular situation. I would do it while your Mom and Dad are sleeping so they can't interrupt you giving the big orange meanie his due justice ;-)

Gretchen said...

Oh, poor Parker, does it hurt? I'm kind of glad I'm an only kitty...no one to whap me or scratch me. I bet that hurts.

I came to tag you for a meme, please come by and play.


Southbaygirl said...

Sympathy treats! I hope you got alot of them!

kodak, Winton and 3 perf

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

even widda boo-boo ... yer perfect parker.

Anonymous said...

Oh Parker, dear, I'm so sorry about your boo boo! Rudy is a very handsome mancat, but he sounds a bit temperamental! I hope your boo boo feels better soon.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Jazmin said...

Oh Parker,

You poor guy. I so know how hard it is having a mean ol' other cat around. Hope your nose gets better quickly.


Liss said...

You chaned your masthead --- it looks nice, but you were so cute with the glasses!

Poor baby about that scratch. Nixon had a bad booboo on his back. I found it and like your Mama I made sure he got a lot of attention. Fatty was the main suspect, however both were probably at fault cause they play wrestle and get a little rough sometimes. I was worreid at first, thought it was a lump and Nixon had to go to the vet (so he got even more attention). Fatty said he was over dramatic.

Poor Herbie, he's not had a scratch yet that I've seen but I know Nixon sure has chased him and has swatted at him a few times. So Herbie gets the sympathy attention now. I think Nixon is jealous!

Chrissie said...

Parker, milk it for all it's worth! Rudy, say nothing!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ya deserve the treats. Boo-boos are not good!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

U still looking perfect, Parker. :)
Nothing that squillions of temptations can't ease, though boo-boos are really not a welcome reason to get treats... Now Rudy knows it has backfired on him, do you tink he will confess??