March 4, 2008

Tattle Tail Tuesday

Pssssst...Hey...I wanna' tell you guys something...
My Mommy works in health care, and I'm not supposed to tell you much about her job. But yesterday the people who tell health care places how well they do their stuff came for a visit. They come every 3 years and they never say when they will show up! They call themselves the JCAHO and they are very important beans! Mommy says that where she hunts in the day is a very good place and things should go fine, but it's still very stressful to have other beans looking at everything you do. They will be at her hunting place all week long! She may not be able to help me visit very much this week because of it!
I think I am going to be extra good and extra sweet this week. That should help Mommy stay calm! Please think good thoughts for her! Oh, and one more thing...

I have entered the Spay Day contest that The Humane Society of the United States is sponsoring. Would you go and vote for me? You have to search for me and you can do it by name. So far, I am the only cat named Parker in the contest. Just click here. Thanks!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Are da peoples who are coming to see yur Mum kinda like awwditters? Dey prolly haf to make sure efurryting is in tip top shape. Hey, me am in tip top shape don't ya fink? Easier to chase Powder around dat way. Hee heeee.
~Beau Beau

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I voted for you Parker. And yeah, your Bean needs to concentrate on her hunting and then important day hunters are around.

Monty Q. Kat said...

We'll wait, you're worth it! :)



WE voted for da way there are 7 Parkers on there but the rest of 'em are woofies (at least right now)...

Ooo we will keep your Mom in our purrayers and hope things don't get too stressful for her. Do lots of purrs for her, OK?


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's always worrying when peepull come checking, even though you know efurryfing is ok. Well that's what our mum said, so we'll send your mum some purrs so she duzn't git too stressed.
purrrrr purrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrr

Mickey's Musings said...

Your Mom does not need to worry.She will do a great job. Just look at how wonderful she does with all of you!!!!!
Extra purrs are an added bonus Parker :)
Purrs Mickey (who voted )

Anonymous said...

We're purring that everything goes okay at your mom's work. Our mom used to work at a place that had auditor suprise visits so she knows how stressful it can be.

Forty Paws said...

Parker, that top picture is just way too kyoooooot. We're sending pawsitif thots that efurrytink is AOK at your Mom's day hunting job.

Luf, Us

LZ said...

Yesh, what a week for humans at work! I bet its stressful just having them around.


Shaggy and Scout said...

We hope all goes well with the 'spection!

The Furry Kids said...

That's a cute close up of you. We wish your mom luck with her "visitors."

Unknown said...

We voted for you, Parker. Wish your mommy good luck at work for us.

Daisy said...

I love that close up photo of you! Good luck to your mom; I am sure things will go very well.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Parker I lOVE your tent! It is very excellent, and the color goes very nicely with your furs.

Thank you very much for the article on FeLV. I didn't even think to look it up on the internets.

I hope all goes well at your mom's hunting grounds. We all understand if it means less time blogging!

Tybalt said...

Hey Parker! I'll be purring for your poor mommy . . . my mommy says it is never fun when other beans look over your shoulder at work . . . so extra purrs for her!

And Monty is right . . . you are worth waiting for. ;)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we wish yer Mommy a good report an that they see how good she hunts...


Jan Price said...

We hope you all have a good week and everything goes well at your mom'sday hunting job.

Good luck in the contest.


Unknown said...

Oh dear, My Mummy says she knows how your Mum feels. She works for a Vitamin Manufacturer and Health Canada drops in unannounced every so often and it is very, very stressful. Also, she does the accounting and each August they are audited and that makes my Mummy want to pull her hair out cause they always want to see the weirdest things! Why can't these people just stay in their own offices : )

Good luck to you Mum!

Leona said...

Good luck to your mom! Sure hope you are getting extra treats for being so understanding!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I think being good for a whole week is a good idea. Some of my brofurs and sisfurs would have a hard time doing that.

We will go and vote for you now!

~ Napoleon

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I will go vote for you. I hope your mom has an ok week.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

We want to thank you for visiting us to let us know our picture was still there.

HUGS~ Ernie's Voice, Chancy & Jake

PB 'n J said...

Oh we'll be thinking good thoughts for her this week!

Anonymous said...

Oh, we Ballicai are sending lots of hugs and good thoughts and purrs to your sweet Mom! We will be thinking of her this week.

You look so cute in your cube, Parker! And it looks just like my cube, *smile*. Aren't cubes fun!

We Ballicai went and voted for you!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Gretchen said...

Oh, Parker, what a stressful thing for your bean. I'll purr all week that she has a easy time at her hunting place.

I like the idea that you're helping by keeping things quiet and peaceful.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Sounds like your Mommy is going to have an extra stressful week at her job. That's really great of you to be extra good to her. Maybe you can get everyone else to do that, too.

I voted for you.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

We voted for you! There are still just woofie Parkers.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

oh yeah. My mombean used to be a nerse back in the dinosaur days. They had those inspections back then too.
what a headache. I hope they pass the inspection.

You do look very sweet parker. Nice going!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I voted for you. Hope all goes well with your mom!

Boy said...

You're sweet to your Mom, being so considewate. And I wove your cwose-up pictor!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, mom amembers da "security checks" she hadded at her old hunting place! Beans in suits walking into her cubicle and looking at what was on her desk and checking her file drawers and stuff...icky icky icky.

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh Parker, you are such a perfectly sweet kitty to be extra good and extra sweet to your mom when she's having a stressful week!


Tiger Lily said...

Hi Parker! I am sure you will help your Mommy very much. My Mom has people on campus doing an accreditation for one of the colleges at the University. It is the college where she worked for almost 12 years so even though she knows there will not be any serious problems she is still a little nervous. I am sure your Mom is the same!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am glad for your mommy has such a lovely kid like you :>
Tell your mommy not to worry!

Karen Jo said...

I will think good thoughts about your Mom this week while she has her stressful time. It's great that you are being extra good to her. I voted for you.

Poppy Q said...

Hey Parkey Parks that happened at my mums hospital work this week too!! Mums boss was very stressed but it didn't go too bad. Good luck to your mom.

Nice close up of you.