January 3, 2008

Thursday 13 - The Good And Bad of Sick Mommy

Mommy was real sick - so sick that she didn't go to her hunting place. So sick that she had to go to the human V.E.T. hospital. We were all worried and we are so happy that she's back to her old Mommy self. Here are 13 good and bad things about Mommy being sick.
Good - She wore a lot of soft flannel.
Bad - She did not change the soft flannel enough for our taste!
Good - She was easy to find, she never moved.
Bad - Since she never moved, she did not get us treats when we wanted them.
Good - We got to help her finish a lot of broth!
Bad - She could not help us visit our friends on their bloggies very much.
Good - She had 'nip in a bag and would put some on the floor for us - a LOT!
Bad - We may need to go to Detox now.
Good - She had our feather tinsel teaser and would play with us.
Bad - We wrecked it and now it's in the trash.
Good - She let us groom her hairs.
Bad - Her hair looked like an explosion in a bucket of worms!
Good - We were well loved and cuddled for about 96 squillion straight hours!
So, while it's great to have Mommy home and stationary, we think we prefer the well Mommy! Thanks to all of you kitties who sent well wishes and prayers to her...IT WORKED!

Thanks for all of your comments on my new header - the wonderful and fabulous Zoolatry made it for me!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a great list of the good and the bad. We are very happy that your mom is feeling better now. Having sick humans is not fun at all.

Daisy said...

"Her hair looked like an explosion in a bucket of worms"! Hahahahaha! You guys crack me up. My Mommie's dad used to say that it looked like she combed her hair with an egg-beater.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

It always sucks when Beans are sick. I'm glad yours is feeling better.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It is nice when moms are sick... only for a while

Monty Q. Kat said...

Yeah, I don't know what it is, but beanfur never lays right now matter how muxh catspit you use. Weird.

I'm glad your Mom is better!

suchsimplepleasures said...

hope your mommy is feeling better! such a cute tt!
happy 2008!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We are very glad that your Mommy is all better. Do they have detox for kitties? Cause Dante could probably use it - he likes the nip way too much!

The Furry Kids said...

Hmmm, we had a sick Momma this week, too, but we got NO broth. What the paw? We might have to move in with you guys. :)
We're glad your mom is on the mend. We did a sick bean T13 today. heehee
We hope Diamond is feeling lots better, too.


Forty Paws said...

We're glad your Mommy is feeling much better now! Did your Daddy get all the decorations put away while she was ill?

Luf, Us

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Me glad you mommy is betters, me agree wif good about broth me gots to eats da leftovers of mommy sicky chickens soop. It was yummy. ~Empress

The Meezers or Billy said...

yay your mommy is feeling better!!! WOO HOO!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad your Mum is feeling better! You guys must have done a good job of looking after her!

cindy kay said...

Great list!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think the "good" outweighs the bad on your list. We especially like how she was easy to find!!
We are glad she is feeling better!!!

LZ said...

I'm so happy that she is better! Sounds like she's a pretty easy sick bean and at least tried to serve your needs.


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh oh oh, that stinks she was sick. I bets all the lovings you gaveds her made her lots better!

Jimmy Joe said...

I'm glad your momma is feelin' better now. I hope you get some extra Temptations to make up for all that you missed while you were nursing her back to health.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Tybalt said...

I am so very glad that your mommy is feeling better! My mommy lives in her flannel pjs and bed when she is sick, too. It is great for cuddle time, but not so much for playing or treats . . . you are so right!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is a wonderful header!!! I love it!

Tazo said...

It *was* Vernors! Hahahahaha! Not Diet, but Momma prefers diet when she's not sick. Oh, and we had a flannel explosion here, too. Not that I'm complaining. It *is* pretty comfy.
Glad to hear that Diamond's 'tocks are feeling better. Hope he doesn't have to have anyone messin' with his 'tocks any more.

Jan Price said...

Zoolatry did a good job. Looks nice.

That's a good list. We're glad your mom is well.

jans funny farm

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, we'z glad yoor mom is feeling better. Ours is not sick enuff to lay around and not well enuff to be any fun. Everytime she plays wif us she starts coffing and dat is not fun. And she talks funny, saying stuff about her nobe being runny and stuff.

Kaz's Cats said...

That's a nice header - what a good photo! We like the good and bad points - it's good for while when humans are sick, but you wouldn't want them like that all the time.

Thanks very much for visiting us - we look forward to see more of you and your family,

Purrs & Headbutts

Gypsy & Tasha

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Tricky stuff. You need yer Mommy to get better and sort it all out!

Just Ducky said...

My mum wasn't feeling well but not as bad as yours. Her hair never looked that bad!

Ivan from WMD said...

We're glad your mommy is better. I bet she owes it all to all of you!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We're so glad your mommy is better! Sounds like you guys got some good snuggle time (as well as some quality nip out time) but it's for the best that she's on the mend, now. Happy almost Friday!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Motor Home Cats said...

Those are very good - good and bad points about our beans being sick. Our Mom never seems to get the stomach virus that everyone else does (she said to say knock on wood - whatever that means), but she does get the body achy flu, and then we go on snuggle duty too. But since she has been home on Winter Break, she is here too much taking our nice warm snuggle spots.

We are glad to hear that she is feeling better tho.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Anonymous said...

hai, im sorry that you havent gott your secrt pws yet, mummy was a very bad bean and dint get it to the man in blu wool on time she say she was taking car of anotherr sik bean it shud be ther this weak tho i am soo sry and she say she is to

Anonymous said...

Getting sick over the holidays is a major drag. Your Mommy is fortunate to have 2 devoted cats who nursed her back to health.

That is a fancy new header -- I've heard of Zoolatry but hadn't seen much of its work until now. Very nice!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so glad your Mommy is feeling better. Our Mom has been a little out of the loop, too.

Your new header is very pretty!

We purring for your Mommy to get all better!

~ The Bunch

Tyler said...

I loved reading your list. It had so many peaks and valleys. Very emmotional. I could really relate cuz my mom has been sick

It 's wonderful news that you're mom's all better. That's very good news indead.

Sunny's Mommy said...

It sounds like the bad outweighed the good, unfortunately. I'm glad your Mommy is feeling better now :-)

Great job by Zoolatry on your new header. It's very nice!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We think Mommy didda pretty godd job of takin care of ya while she was sick (and you were reel good ta her too). But as ya said, it is better to have a well Mommy!