Diamond is a good doggie model! Those are funny shots. Coco won't wear costumes. Luckily since she's a wiener dog she looks funny all the time. Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Mom sez woofies are easier to dress up den kitties, but deze pikshers kinda prove her wrong. Diamond looks like a wunnerful woofie, we bet him and Zippy cood be bestest frends.
You look pretty cool for a woofie Diamond. I likes the tiara on you - your majesty.
Have a nice weekend with the kitties.
Who is this handsome doggie? Is he America's Next Top Model? We think so.
Dat's a nice looking Dawgie. Da Ballerina pose is perfect wif da toesies just right.
Diamond looks very cute in all those photos! I like the tiara and the tutu!
Good thing it was the doggies that got dressed up!
Diamond is a good sport and looks pretty snazzy in the witchie outfit!
happy Friday
Diamond is a good doggie model! Those are funny shots. Coco won't wear costumes. Luckily since she's a wiener dog she looks funny all the time.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yes, very very cute~!!!!! Every pet could entertain~!!!!!
Diamond looks gorgeous in all of those costumes! I think I am going to tell mama to put Dana in a tutu. (Ha Ha Ha!)
How cute! Our doggie Samwise has a costume too - he's going as a crawfish for Halloween. He looks very silly in it too.
Those are great costumes for the woofies. They look really cute!
What a good doggie! And lots of fun costumes.
Mom sez woofies are easier to dress up den kitties, but deze pikshers kinda prove her wrong. Diamond looks like a wunnerful woofie, we bet him and Zippy cood be bestest frends.
Bet you cats were just sitting there laffing & laffing at him!!!
Diamond is good at dressing up! I am very impressed.
Hahaha! Those are funny :-) In the last photo it looks like Diamond is begging Dad to take that thing off of her.
Looks like Diamond is prepping for the BIG Costume Day! She's looking pretty good!
Diamond look great in all the costumes. I particularly like the ballerina.
All I can say is TOO CUTE!
Meep & Twizz's mom
Oh Diamond! You are cute, even for a woofie.
Doggie looks pretty good dressed up.
As a cat, I highly endorse laughing at dogs!!
The wolfie looks silly dancing ; buts is cute.
Woofies? Sniff! Ok, OK. Not our favorite things, but we know they are loved too....
Skeeter and LC
Beautiful costumes - beautiful woofie!
Oh Parker, Diamond is very funny : )
yup ... dat tu-tu lookz grate on da d-o-g!
Wowie, wunnerful costumes and Diamond is a furry handsum woofie!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Poor Diamond Dog. What humiliation, even for a woofie...
Luf, Us
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