July 7, 2007

Squillion (Jr.) Saturday - Introducing Jeter Jr.!

As you may remember from an earlier post the most wonderful FF Jeter Harris let us adopt a baby squillion - Powder approved the adoption. Sadly, he had no name. We needed to fix that.

Introducing Jeter Jr. (J.J. for short)! Welcome Jeter Jr.!
So, if Rudy gets to bite me, I guess his reward is getting his picture with our sweet baby squillion Jeter Jr. Life isn't always fair. Jeter Jr. does kind of favor Rudy though, I hope Jeter Jr. teaches Rudy that being sweet and cute is better than being mean and bitey.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

jeter jr.
i am laffin an laffin.
no ... mi squillion iz laffin an laffin.
now i'm confyoozed!
i hope u luv yer babee squillion!
luv--yer grate frend (on hiz way to atlantic city)--jh

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, life reely isn't fair, is it? Don't worry, Rudy will get punished in time...

Anonymous said...

Very cute baby squillion :)

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I hope Jeter Jr. can teach Rudy not to bite.


Daisy said...

I am certain that Jeter Jr. will teach Rudy a valuable lesson about biting!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Jeter Jr is adorable! Great name for your mini-squillion!


JJ looks like he needs sum BUNNYKIKKING! How do I git a babey sqwillyun is thare an approoval prosess cuz if thare is I probably won't be abul to qwalify but if thare izn't I'd like to order ten. Maybey 20. Or a SQWILLYUN! Get it??? A sqwillion sqwillions??? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA Then I'd always have sumthin to bunnykik win yer not arownd, Parker and do yoo know anything abowt harum roolz like can sqwillyuns beelong to a harum? Cuz maybey that's the way for me to bild up the BIGGEST HARUM EVER that old geezer cat Rocky's got nuthin' on me whoops I shoodn't talk like that abowt Rocky or else he won't let me borrow his blog and I'll admit we kinda bonded becuz we wint to the vet together Are thare any bugs yoo shoodn't eet? I saw a big shiney blak bug this morning but it was so krunchy I almost chipt a tooth and it didn't taste so hot whut I reely love to eet is toona but I only git that twice a day so I hafta eet between meels.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very cute addition!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Jeter Jr. is very cute!

Lux said...

Aw, Jeter Jr. is cute!!!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

J.J. is such a cute baby squillion! Good name for him!

MaoMao said...

hehehe, that's a preshus name fur your baby squillion, Jeter Jr.! And he does kinda look like Rudy. Rudy is a very handsum mancat but I hope he doesn't put the bitey on you again.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

snowforest said...

JJ is so cute ~ I'm sure he will be teaching more valuable lessons with time :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

JJ is furry kyoot, and maybe he will teach Rudy to have better manners, and not give yoo booboos.

lordjaders said...

How sweet.
Jeterrr Jrrr. ha, ha! I guess a little Jeterrr is good forrr everrryone...

Yourrr Furrrend,


Around Your Wrist said...

i'm glad you have a baby squillion at your house. he's awfully cute!

Tara said...

What a great squillion!

Yes, life is not fair sometimes...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...


Rosie & Cheeto said...

Wow, that's one grate name. J.J. luks supur nice and its grate that J.J. has the time to hang owt with Rudy and teach him a few things abowt being nice!

Anonymous said...

purrfect name! we gotta go 'dopt summa them too. the Lady sez she knows where they live an maybe she'll go res-q one today.