Please click and watch the above video. I cannot believe that people who have no hearts or souls can walk the earth. Mommy talked to the lady in the video (her friend Jenny) and the kittens are already in foster care. They have little kitty colds, but other than that, are fine. They are friendly, not the least bit scared of people. The Wayside employee who saw it happen did not get the license plate of the vehicle 'cause she was so focused on the kennel that was thrown. I personally hope that Karma comes and whaps these people upside their head like an angry, hungry tiger.
Being formerly feral, I know that I lucked out. These kittens had a rough start too, and with all of the media attention, chances are good that they will be adopted.
So, everykitty, I know I say this a lot, but go and give your human(s) a headbump and a purr. We are fortunate to have humans who care about us.
That is all I have to say about this terrible situation.
How could anyone do such a horrible thing! That makes me so mad. How can there be such cruel people out there? I'm glad that the kittens are okay and I hope they all find wonderful forever homes.
I am glad that you found a wonderful Forever Home, Parker.
Our Maw would personally like to hang these types of people by their privates in the public square and let them die a slow, horrible death.
We are glad we have our Maw & Paw.
Luf, Us
how horrible. we is doing efurryfing we can to direct their bad karma back at them. mommy says "what goes around comes around". we hope so.
We don't understand how horrible things like this have to happen. It just makes us all sad and makes my Momma upset. We are happy that the kittens will be ok and that this story will end up with a happy ending. Our little hearts break to know of all the stories that don't end so magically.
We are so fankful to have a good forever home and that all of our fur friends do as well. We wish all kitties had such good homes as we all do.
How could someone be so cruel and heartless? Hopefully, what goes around comes around. Lots of bad karma goin that way...
That is just so horrible and cold. I can't believe someone would actually do something so horrible. Tossing it out of a moving vehicle?? I hope those people get thrown from a moving vehicle.
We can't say anyfing that hasn't already been said. Our Jim says that there is a special place somewheres very bad for people who do fings like that.
We are SOOOOO glad that the little cuties have already gotten fur-ever homes!
Thanks for bringin' this to our attention - we might not always agree with the media, but sometimes they can do some good!
I am very glad that the kittens are ok, now.
I totally agree with you, and everycat that posted a comment before me.
Ooo, mom and dad were saying bad werds! Dey were coming up wif tortchurs dat sounded furry bad fur dese beans. We'z glad dat Wayside employee wuz der, God prolly knew what da bad beans wuz up to and put her der to save da kitties.
I am very very furious at the BAD person who did this. And I am sad that one kitty did not make it. But at least there was a happy ending for the other three.
that is very mean of some person to throw those kitties on the hwy. we are glad that jennywas there to rescue them.
yes, we agree...what goes around comes around. those mean beans will get theirs one day.
we are glad you aren't feral anymore parker.
I didn't look at the video, I only read your post, but I can guess what the video is about and it makes me so mad! If beans don't want to have any more kittens I don't know why they can't get it through their thick heads to spay and neuter!
P.S. Mum won't let me watch sad videos as I end up crying and crying and crying.
I will purray for the kittens.
Oh those kittens are soooo adorable. They are so so cute.
There are so many messed up people on this planet...
we hope you have a delightful day Parker.
Yes, I hope that theese kitties will get nice and loving homes.
I USED TO BE FERUL TOO!! WOW! WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMUN! I was reely reely reely lukky becuz I fownd a howse ware the ladey feeded me TOONA with lots of TOONA JOOSE and yum it was just so good I kept going thare and going thare until she tride to pet me and once she petted me IT WAS ALL OVER I was reddy to be her cat furrever and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my home and the peepul are vary vary nice and pet me lots and let me sit ON THARE LAPS even tho the man's lap is kinda boney I like it and it makes me purr and win I git purring I JUST WUNT TO BUNNYKIKK SUMTHING and have yoo ever felt that way? DID YOO SEE THAT JETER HARRIS RITED ABOWT ME TODAY? That Jete' is qwite a guy I just wanna go up and GIV HIM NOOGIES and be his best frend did yoo know that the wite vermin cat in owr howse sed I shood ask yoo to be my speshul frend??? I don't know whut that meens but I don't have a kold anymore so yoo can't ketch anything frum me and we cood RUN RUN RUN chasing eech other and bunnykikking and maybe sharing my sheepskin bed but that wood have to come after we gotted to know eech other better. And I'll show yoo Rocky's gutter! And we can try on all of the wite vermin's Liberachey clothes win he's not lookin'!!!! And do yoo have plans this weekend? I don't becuz it mite be TOO HOT and that makes me sleepy.
I do knows what its like to be without a home! Whew I was so scared and hungry. My mommy rescued me too and I loves her so much for that. I don't ever wants to go back to being lonely and hurt again.
I hope the babies get good homes too. It's sad to be hurt and alone.
How cruel of those beans to just throw them away. Far better to just bring them to the shelter. I hope the beans get a good whap upside the head someday.
I know these little guys will find loving homes soon.
Mommy is leaking. They look just like my brother McKenzie when he was a baby and today is his birthday, the first one since he went to the Bridge. I can't believe that anyone could be so callous. There is a special place in H E double hockey sticks for people like that.
cant believe anyone would do that. How awfu. I can't believe such cruel people are walking around scott free. You know, I think people should have to have a licence to own a pet and be made to take courses in animal care. maybe that would stop this kind of thing happening.
Bah. The humans who did this should be thrown out of a car. How can somebody be so souless to do something like that.
If the Mom was local I know she would be one of the first people at the shelter to adopt one of those kitties. She's like that.
How horrible. I don't understand how someone could do that. I am really glad that Jenny was there to save three of the four kittens. I hope that something unspeakable happens to the evil person who did this. They have to be evil, because it is so easy to just take the kittens to a shelter.
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