March 23, 2007

Meet My Sister Puff

Originally posted 3/17/07
Yup, I know, she's a real looker. I hear it all the time. Puff is my older sister, she is the "Original Cat" in my family. Her job is to look gorgeous 24-7. She's very good at her job as you can see. She purrs so loudly that you can hear her across a room. Puff started life as a barn cat with our other sister, Powder. I don't think she was cut out for barn life, so it's a good thing that Mommy and Daddy got her out of there at a young age. She's going to be nine years old on April Fool's Day. Puff was named for the kitty in the first grade books Mommy learned to read from. How many of you are old enough to remember those books? "See Spot. See Spot Run." There was Puff, Spot, Sally, Dick and Jane. Mommy doesn't think those books are used in school anymore cause it was about a squillion years ago when Mommy was in first grade! But I digress, Puff can be a pain in my tail at times, but she's my sister and I love her more than tuna juice (and trust me, that's a lot!). More about the rest of my family in later posts.
Keep Your Tail Held High Kitties!


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

My mom remembers those books and the ones with Janet and Mark called "primers" ... Mom used to frustrate her kindergarten teacher 'cuz she could read at three years old and finished all of the primers by the fifth week of kindergarten. That's probably why she's a Reading and English teacher at a high school now. Karma ...

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, I forgot to mention how pretty Puff is ... Love her fur.