October 2, 2010



Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm remembering those who lost the battle and celebrating with the survivors.

Katnip Lounge said...

Parker, We are going to LIVESTRONG today by celebrating life! Eat well, and love one another today.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Purrrrrfekhtly pawed!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Nice hat!!!

Forever Foster said...

Lookin' good, Parker. Purrs.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Thank you from our hearts for supporting LIVESTRONG day by doing a yellow post.

Blessing to all those who are currrently fighting cancer, are cancer survivors, or who have lost their lives to this terrible disease.


Love from Milo and Alfie, Mom-Jan and Dad xxxx

Kea said...

We love your hat and scarf; they're purrfect for LIVESTRONG.

We're sending purrs and healing Light and universal Blessings to All Beings who have been impacted by this disease.

Mariodacat said...

Thank you for sharing this post so we will also remember those with cancer. One day I hope this disease can be wiped out forever.

SeaThreePeeO said...

What a fantastic picture to support LIVESTRONG DAY with. We're purring and praying that someday soon Cancer will be history

Teddy Westlife said...

I think yellow could really be your colour Parker!

Anonymous said...

Excellent yellow!!!

Live Long & Live Strong

Raymond and Busby said...

You look good in yellow Parker!

The Island Cats said...

We purr for all of those we have lost and for all of those who still are fighting this terrible disease. LIVESTRONG!!

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope that one day this terrible disease will be gone and there will be no more need for a day like this. Until then, we LIVESTRONG.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a great picture! We all need to LiveStrong together!

ZOOLATRY said...

And Parker and Mom... we support the American Diabetes Associations efforts as well... November, mmm.
Hopefully, your lovely yard will not be covered with "yellow snowflakes" (unless Diamond interferes)... but rather your lovely home stand tall in the warmth of bright, yellow sunshine.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Looking good, Parker!
~ The Bunch

Anonymous said...

We MUST LiveStrong for us and for those who have fought the good fight and lost to this miserable disease. Today we honor those who have lost their battle, those who are fighting their battle and those who have fought and won! They are all our HEROES!

Today we stand tall with all of the LiveStrong participants. Together we WILL find a cure in our lifetime!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Fanastic picture to support the day. LIVESTRONG together.. Hugs GJ x

Louche Tabby said...

...you look like a rapper...yo....

Mickey's Musings said...

Parker, you look lovely in yellow :)
Livestrong and live well :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how cute.

OKcats said...

Miss Parker, that may be our most favorite graphic so far - too cool! We are new to the blogosphere, but we are LiveStrong-ing and purring for a cure.

Fuzzy and Zoe (and mom Jana)

Cat said...

Livestrong and Lovestrong too!

Just Ducky said...

LiveStrong Miss Parker, LiveStrong.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Together we all show our support in making cancer awareness today. Too many lives have been lost. Hopefully some day cancer will be something of the past never to worry about again.

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrs that they find ways to discover it faster and help people and furries survive it.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, THATS good!

AFSS said...


Shaggy and Scout said...

Very nice portrait in your yellow hat & scarf!

Gigi said...

I am practicing Purr Power today for all the Humans and Felines who need it! You look swell in yellow ;-)

Shilgiah the Cat said...

What a wonderful cap and scarf! You are very beautiful Parker.
Purrs to you and the whole family.