March 23, 2009

The Rudy Report

Mommy worked at her day-hunting job this weekend. It seriously cut into my "worship Rudy time." Nothing good can come of this. She was momentarily forgiven when she served us some stinky goodness last night. The only good part of the weekend was when she cut a huge mat out of Puff's fur. Puff got seriously hissed off. You should have been here to see that! Hee! I'd show you Mommy's hand after the massacre, but kittens may be reading...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Rudy that is just wrong. They could have not slept so much so they could have worshiped you more. Humans are so selfish.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Poor Rudy! Does it make you feel better that I worship you from afar? Rudy and Puff we all are sorry for both of you in different ways. We are also sorry for mama's hand.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Rudy, your poor Mommies hand, we hope it heals well! Maybe Puff accidentally got pinched by the scissors? Sorry Rudy, we only google eye our girl furends.=^Y^=Toy

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Aww sorry the day hunting job cut into Ruby worship time. We hope that she makes it up to you on her next day off.

Teddy Westlife said...

My dad works a lot on the weekends too. It's not very good but I suppose he has to keep me in ham and mouses.

Huffle Mawson

Country Cats said...

Oh poor Puff. I know the feeling...Mom comes after me with the brush and scissors sometimes too! Great picture, Rudy!


Cat with a Garden said...

Rudy, that is a picture to worship. You're looking real good! Your poor mommy!

Forever Foster said...

Oh Rudy, we are sure your mum didn't stay away just to upset you. Maybe you will get some extra worshipping during the week, to make up for it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this very purrfessional and informative report, Rudy! Mom wouldn't dare come at us with any sharp implements for fear of the tides being turned. Once in a while Grayson will get a mat under his armpit and Mom teases it out with his brush a little bit a day at a time. Otherwise, her hand looks like Frankenstein s Monster!

The Island Cats said...

Rudy, we can see how you get pleasure out of Puff's misfortune....

Tuck said...

Oh Rudy, don't worry....I'm sure your mom would have rather been with you all weekend!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we hopes that your mommy's hand gets better soon. your mommy should take that pikshur efurrywhere with her so that she can worship you all the time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Rudy, beans can be so thortless by working when they could be worshipping you. You tell 'em boy!

Shirl said...

Hello I found my way here from Miss Peach. Oh my what pretty kitties! Such a cute blog.
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

quiltcat said...

what a great picture of you, Rudy! i'm sure your mommy would have much preferred to be at home worshipping you rather than at her day hunting job, too. We sympathize with her about needing to remove a mat from Puff's floof while endangering her own life and limb...Meowmy tried to tease out a mat in Gingy's "bib" (she has a beautiful white cape like yours, Rudy) and Gingy tried to put the bitey on Meowmy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are looking very handsome and mancatly Rudy.
We hope your mum's hand heals quickly.
Our mum came at me with the scissors this morning. Dad was putting some new glass in the greenhouse and I went in through the gap instead of the door and got wet silicone down my side. Mum had to cut my furrs off before I licked it.

Dma said...

poor puff (and mommy).

Monty Q. Kat said...

Pics!! :D

The Creek Cats said...

Sounds like stinky goodness was served and all was forgiven!

Uh oh, hope your mommy's hands are ok! Poor Puff and Mommy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Rudy, be nice to Mom. You may need her to open more cans. We know you missed your time with her this weekend!

The Army of Four said...

You look ready for a cat nap. Got any nice, warm sunshine to lay in?
Play bows,

Chrissie said...

Poor Puff! Poor Rudy! They are not worthy of your regard, my friends! Although the SG is good. Well, maybe you can regard them a little bit.

Daisy said...

Rudy, you always keep us up to date on the important stuff!

Anonymous said...

I hope your Mom learned her lesson! Rudy must have his quota of attention:)

The Furry Kids said...

I hope that your mom gets caught up on her Rudy worship. It is not right for her to slack in that department.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We bet yoor mom missed da Rudy worship too...Sorry Puff haf mats in her furs, hope yoor mom's hand is okay.

Mr. Echo said...

Hay! I jes rememburrd. We diddint git stinky goodniss yesterday! *pfft!*

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Nothing should be allowed to interfere with the "worship Rudy time"!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh poor mommie!!! give her some lovin' honey!

smiles, auntie bee

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ooooooh I would be hissing too.
Wow, what a lousy week-end for you kitties.
stinky goodness hardly makes up for it hmmmffff

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yikes! I can almost feel the mat attack!!!! Hopefully you get some extra lovin' through the week Rudy!!

Purrs Goldie

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh Rudy, I biggified your picture, and you are absolutely gorgeous!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Gee we would think Puff would be happy ta have a matty clump removed. But we are all short-hairs, so we dont know...

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Good thing you did not say what really happened cuz my kid brother is reading along too.

Anonymous said...

We dun get mats but Troo does and he puts the bitey on the mom every time she gets near hims wif em.

We all hope dat yer moms hand heals quick and dat yoo get more Rudy time soon!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom spent about four days on a mat on my belly. I must admit, she did have a couple o scratches!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Rudy you gotta get humans like mine! They both work from home. The Big One's out a lot, running errands and making in-person calls, but my OTW works at home all the time (actually, she almost never leaves the apartment). It's great and I highly recommend the work-at-home human for cats everywhere. So long as you don't mind more flashybox attacks!


Motor Home Cats said...

We are sorry that your Mom wasn't home to give you cuddles this weekend. We know what it's like when the Mom works all weekend.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Quill and Greyson said...

This is a great photo of you Orange Menace, er, Rudy.

Cliff and Olivia said...

Why did she cut out hair?! We don't get that part.