Hello...How are you on this fine Monday?

I, Rudy, would like to show photographic truth that I know how to be a Mancat with manners. I want you to notice that I am letting Parker eat the stinky goodness before me. I'm just a good brother like that. We were allowed to dine al fresco yesterday. It was lovely!

See? Parker is washing up after her dinner and I am just getting started.
Contrary to popular belief, I do have manners!

Parker: "
BURP! S'cuse me!"
*Mommy here, I have a very busy week and may not be able to help Parker comment as much as she would like to!
It's quite evident you have excellent manners!
Have a great Monday!
Mancats can have manners but.. I do hope that you showed who was boss still!! haha
Momma thinks it is very sweet! :)
Oah Rudy~!
You are a very very very nice and sweet brother~!
I am very impressed by your manners Rudy. I wish my brother was that nice.
Huffle Mawson
Rudy I hope Parker left you some. Nice to see the weather is still nice, and you all had a picnic outside.
Dearest Rudy,
You not only have manners but...you are the hotness...HUBBA HUBBA!
Very truly yours,
The Girls from the Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Rudy, we are impressed. If we ever share a dish, we try to hook it away from each other with our claws.
You are a furryy polite (and furry handsome) Mancat, Rudy!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great pose, Rudy!
You have lovely manners Rudy, my brother Whiskers always let me eat first cause I was just a little kitten when I came to live with him and he was a BIG mancat. So I let my sisters eat first now, since he taught me good manners. ~Socks
Rudy, you look so handsome in the sunlight! You're a lovely brother to let your sister go first:) And how lucky you were to have a picnic outside!
Rudy, you are so handsome and your manners are purrfect!
You have impeccable manners, Rudy! We have to each from the same plate. We always have and we never fight. Although I tend to be a bit more, shall we say, enthusiastic than my brother! -Gandalf
Oh Dude! I so want to go outside. That looks like a mighty fine way to dine. But my massage therapist says I can't go out for two weeks! I need to relax, but how can I relax with the demon cat from hell around. And she says I need a collar before I can go out. For what?
Rudy, you are a gentlemancat!!!
Oh, the meezers steal what I was going to say....
you're not just a gentlemancat, you're a great gentlemancat!
What lovely manners you haff. Mom said good manners is essenshull.
truly a gentlecat rudy. parker, you crack me up.
Rudy...we think you need to teach Parker a thing or two about manners!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Ohhhh...they're LOVELY cats, esp. Rudy!!! Beautiful furrrrrr...I'd love to rub him!!!
Rudy, you are a good brother! Very well mannered. :)
Wow, very well mannered indeed!
You are a true Gentlemancat, Rudy!
ah yes!
maw calls me her gentle giant or her lil gentleman. she says i am always letting the girls go first.
i'm crazy like that. maw luvs that baout me though.
-sir stripes, wlk crew.
Rudy, from that demonstration I can tell you have excellent manners!
I am glad you are snoopervising Parker's eating. You are making sure she has manners too!
Abby Normal
YOU are a great brother...and Parker don't feel bad about commenting,Momma had the same problem today...
We know how those busy, not-commenting-a-lot weeks can be. Rudy is very polite to share. (I think it's an orange cat thing.)
Rudy, you are a very good brother. I, too, am a good brother. It's the other two that steal *my* food. :(
Happy Monday, dude!
Those are furry handsome pictures of you, Rudy. All us floofy ginger mancats have excellent manners!
What a Mannerly Mancat you are indeed!
What a very polite boy you are!
You have good manners and patience Rudy. We get seperate bowls.
excellent manners Rudy! it is nice to see you let your sister go first. um, i don't think i would have such good manners.
i should try to be more like you!
Rudy, you are the mancat extraordinaire!!
*mom*: life is busy here too.
Have a good week!! keep smiling :-)
I think you both have wonderful manners to share your stinky goodness! You are both beautiful kitties too!
ManCat with Manners!
Rudy, that was very gentlemanly (is that a word?)of you!
You both have very impressive manners.
What a nice mancat!
Very good manners Rudy, i try to let my sisfurs go first but dey always say I can eat first. I always make sure to leave dem food tho.
Rudy, you are very well mannered, and so handsome!
Bless you, Parker.
Rudy, you are just perfect, like Parker.
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