My dear friend
Millie tagged me for The Coldbox Meme right before my computer went kapoot. I know she is vacationing with her
sweetie-pie, but I thought I would show you our coldbox today.
"Welcome to my fridge"

It's a very busy front!
And side! (See
The inside is kind of boring.
See Mao and Rocky's Vishus Deer Repellent on the top of the fridge? You never know when you might need to defend your territory!
Dearest Parker,
Your frigitator is so neat and organized on the inside and the out! Ours is a big ol' jumbled mess! We is impressed!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Parkey Parks, that fridgerator is very tidy looking, and is that a lot of beer you have hiding inside? I bet it belongs to your hippy daddy.
Thanks for showing us your lovely fridge in your tidy kitchen, and I sure is glad you is back on the internets.
Yep our mum wuz saying how nice and tidy your frijjergater is too. We've only got a small one which fits under the worktop, so she jams everything in and shuts the door quick.We like all your great magnets too.
How come your fridge is so neat, Parker? We are high;y suspicious. Did quit blogging all that time just so you could have a neat fridge for this meme?
Wow, your fridge looks so...tidy.
It is interesting to see the different between American and German fridges.
We have a installation fridge and we can´t do magnets on it. And our fridge is smaller.
I like your magnets on the fridge door.
thanks for showing us your kitchen and the fridge!
You have a furry tidy fridge indeed. Our cold box is quite messy.
It's just as well nobody tagged me for this meme. We have nothing on our fridge!
Huffle Mawson
Purrr S: do I need to get some of that vishus deer repellant? I've never seen a deer here
Hi Parker. Thanks for visiting our blog. You have a very big fridge. Our mum's fridge isn't that big and she has lots of her stuff in it. Our stuff is in the pantry.
Bella & Mitzi
Wow, your fridge is big! And neat! And mom says she needs to come over and take Tidy-Fridge lessons from your mom! Where's your picture, Parker?
that's a very cool fridge!
What a totally awesome fridge, Parker! I see that you even have a "Puff" magnet!
My mom thinks your fridge is just absolutely wonderful. She especially liked the Dick, Jane, Sally and Puff magnets. Mom is a magnet collector and our fridge is very busy but not as beautiful.
I liked the vishus deer repellent bottle best. I've never seen a vishus deer except in pictures.
You have quite the tidy fridge!
That;s a big fridge! But you've got really cool stuff on there.
Wow! You've got a vewy neat fwidge Parker! You should have seen the inside of mine fwidge!
You have a very neat fridge! Ours is super duper messy on the inside. And it's not much better on the outside. hee hee
We see a Mitten State magnet! Wahoo!
And how did you guys score some VDR? That is awesome.
Glad to see we aren't the only ones with magnets neatly placed on the frig! Furry nice!
Laila and Minchie
first, i reelee like da dick, jane, sally, spot, an puff magnetz.
next, yer frijerfraytor iz ekstreemlee cleen an neet. i think u mus liv in disneywerld.
finalle, pleez check da ekzpirashun date un da repellunt. i think it wuz ishyooed in 2006 an must uv ekzpired by now.
Whoa! Your 'frigerator really is very neat and clean! My Mommie would be too embarrassed to show inside ours. I like your kitchen!
Furry kool!
What a nice, big, clean refrigerator and kitchen. Ours is a mess!
You look so tiny up against that ginormous fwidge !
The PM can only dream of such a tidy fridge!
It may be very busy, but the busy-ness is well organized. You have a very cool cold box, Parker :-D
Parker, your cold box is very organized.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You have lots of things on your fridge!Looks neat too.I guess you guys don't get on top of thr fridge and whap things off,huh? heehee
Purrs Mickey
Hey we see Florida on your Fridge!! That is a very nice Coldbox Meme! Your inside is very neat. Our Mom is jealous!
Your FL furiends,
Yur frig is too neat and organized. Your Mom or Dad is a neat freak, aren't they?
Luf, Us
Wow, that is the bestest organized cool box we seen yet! And great stuff on an in it...
Your fridge looks very neat and tidy, Parker!
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