We're going to so something special for them. I'll tell you about that later.
It has me thinking a lot about my birthday. You see, as a formerly feral kitty, I don't know what day I was born. Mommy and Daddy think I was born in August and that I am going to be 6 years old this summer. I think that I need a birthday too! What do you kitties think? Should we pick a day in August and make it official? If we do that, what day should we pick? Mommy's birthday is also in August. Should I share hers or should I have my own?
All this thinking makes me hungry, I think I need a treat!
Please, tell me your thoughts! I'm going to go stare at the treat canister!
You can share our mom's if you like. She is a pussycat Leo, on the 14th. :)
We think you should have your own birthday, Parker. :)
We can't wait to see what you have planned for Puff and Powder!
Powder and Puff were a wedding present...oh tell, do tell, we hasta hear the story!
We can't wait to see what festive plans on April 1st for Powder and Puff.
Parker all of us have unknown purrdays too, so Momma had to pick a day for us based on what the VET told her our ages were. WE think you should have your own day, whaddaya think? As great as your Mom she can have her special day and you can have yours. TWO parties, see, more treats. *kitty wink*
Will you be getting Powder & Puff their own HAM? We think sharing birthdays are cool!! We both share ours.
Mom had to make both our birthdays May 1st. That is fairly accurate for Gandalf because he and his littermates were left in a box at the Vets door when their eyes were still shut. The Vet estimated they had just been born because of the umbilical cords.
Because Grayson was about 1 year old and she got us on the same day, also abandoned at the same Vet's office, she gave May 1st to Grayson too.
Parker, you should haf your own purrfday. Maybe August 15 - halfway through the monf so that it doesn't matter if you was born early or late in the monf.
we has no idea when Bill's purrfday is eifur. the v-e-t thought he was maybe 6 monfs old when mommy finded him - so that would haf made his purrfday in eifur late september or early oktober. but he was so little mommy fought maybe he was borned in november or december. we haf to believe the v-e-t 'cause he's way smarter than mommy.
if you stare at the treat canister long enuf, can you burn a hole in it wif your eyes?
YES!!! I am not sure of my exact birthday as Mom got me from the Vet,so she just picked a day based on when the Vet thought I was born :) Same thing for my sisfurs :)
Purrs Mickey
I'm with you Parker - I don't know my birthday either. Never celebrated it either - just happy to keep having them after all these years.
I'm with you Parker - I don't know my birthday either. Never celebrated it either - just happy to keep having them after all these years.
Parker, I think you should have your own birthday party. I don't know mine since I just showed up unannounced. Mommy believes I was born in June based upon what the Vet said. So I will be 13 this year!!! I'll bet Puff and Powder have a wonderful party. I can't to hear all of the details.
You should definitely have your own purrthday Parker, and August is the purrfect month! My Mommie's birthday is August 4th and mine own purrthday is August 28th. I wishes that you will have the same purrthday as me so that we can have a party together!
You need your own birthday! Momma just made ours up based on when the V-E-T thought we were borned.
You look very pretty in that picture, Parker.
PS - Momma is still giggling about the Tier 2 underpants. hee hee
Maggie and Mom share the same birthday in June. I think they both like it because mom loves presents and Maggie loves the ribbons off of Mom's presents, so it's a win-win.
I would love to hear the story about Puff and Powder bring wedding presents.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
You must have your own Purrfday, separate from your Mommy's. Does staring at the treat canister work? Bow meows at the treat drawer. It sometimes works.
Luf, Us
The Mom didn't know when any of our birfdays were either. She made up ours (Dazey and Jesse) based on when she brought us home.
She didn't know Conner's so, knowing about how old he was when he came to live here, she made up a date. It's near the MIG's.
So, let your mama choose a date for you. It'll be xtra special then!
Our mum's purrfday is in August too. We fink you should have your own date furr yer purrfday. Our purrfdays are in April and mum knows esssakkly when cuz she seen us when we wuz one day old.
You should definitely pick a day you like, Parker! Everykitty deserves their own official birthday. The only furry in our house who knows their actual b-day is Dana, because she has papers. The rest of us helped mommy pick ours. Mommy knew I was born sometime in March, so she picked March 15 "The Ides of March" to go with the whole Shakespeare theme ...even though it was from a different play.
Happy Early Birthday to Puff and Powder!
You should definitely have your own birthday! I mean it's yours after all.
We agree that you deserve your own special birthday! And August is a wonderful month because our Mom's birthday is in August too. :) Now, do you want to be a Leo or a Virgo? (Pick Leo!)
You absolutely must have a special birthday! And sharing with your Mommy would mean that she would never ever forget yours, not a bad idea!
When I found Mommy and Daddy they didn't know when I was born. So they picked a good day "around" when they though I would have been born - so my birthday is May Day.
P.S. We'd love to hear about Puff and Powder being a wedding present!
Oh yes! You definitely need to have a specific day to call your birthday. Maybe you can pick the 8th, so this year, your birthday will be 08/08/08! that sounds lucky to me.
I finks yoo shuld havs yur own day. Den yoo will havs a hole day jus fur yoo!
me and mimmy don't know our bdays either cuz we were adopteds. i think daisy has a good idea to have your birthday on the 8th. either that or pick the 1st, so you get a birthday ham sooner! my fake birthday is aug 1 too. we can celebrates together!
You need your own day too! SOmething special just for you!
Ok - we vote for August 20th - Which is National Homeless Animals Day. Purrfect for a formerly feral.
Wow, everyone has great ideas! Diva Kitty's advice above sounds nice.
Oh yes Parker, you definately need a birthday date. I would celebrate on the same day as your Mum, that sounds like fun.
My Mum and her Mum are born on the same day - August 18 - my Mum said it was always fun sharing a birthday. However, when Grandma passed away it made their birthday a hard day.
How exciting that Powder and Puff will be 10 years old - they look like twins to me, sometimes I have a hard time telling them apart.
You should have your own! I don't know my real one either, the vet did a general guess and as it was around October momma picked Halloween because she is terrible with dates and that way she would never forget! :p ~Queen Snickers
you should definately have your own purday! If you have two birthdays in August, one for you and one for your momma bean, then that means you get to have TWO parties instead of one!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and expressing your sympathies over the loss of Buddy to his family!
We think you should have your own birthday, but definitely you should have one. Jan only knows Cameron's birthdate. The rest of us, she assigned us one according to the age we were when she got us. Merci is the only one she can't even guess at since she was told at the shelter Merci was about 2 years old. 3 years later she asked the vet and he said, "just over a year." Now that is not only impossible, but weird. Most of us would age in 3 years.
Oh Parker, you need your own birthday. If you don't know what date, really just "guesstimate". God, I hate that word.
Anyway, can't wait to see the party plans for the big double P's day!!!
Wow. Yoo got yur Mom trained good wif da flashy fing. We can see yur beeutiful eyes so prettily. We had lots of Leo's in owr fambly. Dey get along well wif Mom who is a Sagittarian. Since Leo's are so strong willed we finks yoo should pick a date date in August dat is in da Leo house.
Pick a day and lets party.
We are partial to August 4th ... It was our great-gramma's birthday an' she had a unique facial feature (a birthmark) much like your two different eye colors are your unique facial feature. She's been over-the-Bridge for fifteen years.
Speedy is da only one here dat knows his fur sure purrthday cuz he was borned in a nice ladies barn and she knew da date (and da time!). Yoo should haf yoor own purrthday Parker, so yoor mom can haf her own day (and give yoo treats) and yoo can haf yoor own day (and get treats). Does staring at da treat canister work?
You haven't got our package yet? Maybe Monday...
You needs your own special day sweetie.
That is a nice picture of you pretty Parker.
I don't know my birthday either. All they know is that I was born in May four years ago. My humans picked the first of May to be my official birthday. I like that! Especially since I know that my love Gretchen is not only the same age as me, but also has her birthday the first of May, too!
I would pick the first of August for your birthday. Then you can't 'miss' it by picking a later date.
Of course you should have your own purrthday too! I think shawing your purrthday with your Mommie is an awesome idea!
Wow, thanks for mentioning this topic. None of us know when our actual birthdays are either. Panda Bear and Meerkat will be one sometime in May, but we don't even know what year Padre was born. Mommy has been worrying about how to celebrate our birthdays, so it was nice to read about you and so many other kitties in the same situation.
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
That's what we did! I was borned in August too but dat's all we knows fur sure. Since I am number 1 kitty, I pickeded the first of August. Then cuz alla the ofurs are formerly ferals or strays (whichefur they calls it) we just maded alla our purrthdays the same so we can haf a big party togefur.
So pick yore day!!!
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