Some of you kitties had questions about the big party/social function/gathering that will be going on a week from Saturday here in my little corner of O Hi O. So I thought I'd tell you a little bit about what's going to happen that day. All of us kitties will be "confined" to one bedroom upstairs with our beds, our Gizzies, our food and water and our, um, bathroom facilities. Mommy is worried that we would be too overwhelmed by all of the people and commotion. She does not want us to be overly upset. This is the same thing that happened to us when we moved here last August. Hopefully we will just nap a lot. She'll check in on us to be sure we are OK. Diamond Doggy gets to hang out in the garage (it's attached and he'll get to meet some of the guests, he's just social that way!)
Here I am practicing my "how could you do this to me, see how pathetic I am" look. I think I have it perfected. This is the hallway upstairs. Our confinement bedroom is behind my boohiney. It has a view of the front yard so I can see all of the people coming and going. I can also watch to make certain those vishus deer don't climb up on the roof to eat me! Mommy says that those deer on the porch are not vishus and that they have to stay. They have been with her longer than we have and they have never attacked one single kitty. I think that there is always a first time so I will be vigilant!
Here's "Daddy the Worker Bee." He hates working with the holiday lights yet he is like the energizer bunny...he keeps going and going and going. I will have Mommy show you some more photos of the decorations when they are all finished. Our big tree goes up tomorrow. The kitty tree is already up in the living room. It's very nice and we have been sleeping under it. The big tree is a real live tree! I am looking forward to that! There is also a lot of cooking and baking in our future. Mommy is making her famous fudgies for every guest bean to to take home after the party. And Daddy is making sugar cookies. The rest of the food is coming from a caterer. Mommy says that she loves to cook, but couldn't handle cooking for that many beans at once. I know that beef is involved so I am hoping that we get to eat some of it too! Sometimes I look around and think how lucky I am. I will always remember what feral felt like. I know I am loved and safe now. It is a good feeling. We are working on a big donation box for the local Humane Society. I'm also asking Santa to find homes for kitties - everykitty should have one!Happy Friday everykitty! Smooches from me to you!
Wow, Parker, what a weekend at your house! We are getting snow on Monday, I bet you will get snow this weekend too.
Mom says your mom should post that fudge recipe for all the beans. Please?
Oh there are lots of festivities going on at your house Parker. I bet it is going to look like a christmas fairy tail!
WE bet that fudge is extra-ordinarily great!
Reading this made me happy. We get shoved in the paradise room for big goings on too. It is kind of frightening and everyone is sooo loud and unpredictable. What if someone stepped on you!!!! Shudder the thought...
Your house will be perfect and you, along with Puffy, Powderkins and Rudy-tooty will be very comfy with all of your cozy stuff in a room where you can see all of the activity out of the window! I do not think you will be sleeping much!
We missed the house decorating postie. Your house looks very festive and pretty!
We hope all of you have a very happy Friday.
love and purrs
Whew! I'm glad that you guys don't have to be around all those beans. That sounded too askeery. I don't like beans other than Momma and Daddy.
This post gave Momma leaky eyes, too. The Christmas box for the Humane Society is a cool idea.
Happy Friday to you guys and GO LIONS!!!!
PS - We love love love your new header thingy.
yes, you're right. There's always a first time for everything, You need some Vishus Deer Repelant.
I like meeting new people, but I don't know if I'd like being around that many people. Your humans are certainly going to be hosting a large party! I hope you get to have some beef.
Every time we do groceries, we pick up a little item to donate to the local shelter - there is a donation box right in the store.
You cats can have your won little party in the confinement room!
Can we come over????!!!!
My mom puts us away when they have a party too. Mainly because people who don't have kitties or people who have dogs, don't understand the rules when it comes to inside kitties. But we do get lots of treats and snuggles afterward.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
PS My mom loves your house. She thinks it's beautiful. It looks like a bed and breakfast.
Yet again, the LL is drooling over your house. She thinks is just gorgeous with the floors and doors and such. Its good you get to go in your own room, we have a room for times like that too. We might be having a New Year's Party...or so the LL has been instructed by the caretakers of Snap.
That looks like so much work! How amazing. My human is very impressed with your house and with your human's energy1
"Wow" it sure is busy at your house .
Mom's big nayborhood party comes up da Saturday before Krissmouse. She calls it a "wrapping party" and it started off wif just da ladies but now der are lots of mens dat come too. We don't gots to hide tho cuz it is at the "community center" which is really just da basement of da church. Yoo guys haf a pretty good set up, a comfy place to hide and a window to watch all da comings and goings. Have a really fun time!
Your home looks awesome! Blogger would not show us the pictures yesterday! We are happy they are there today. :) It sounds like it will be a fantastic party and momma would like fudge recipe too! ~Queen Snickers
You are very smart to stay away from all the guests and commotion. Pixie and I get put away with our food and litter boxes, too, whenever my Daddie has a poker night at the house. There are usually fewer than 20 people, but we cannot stand all the noise and strange peoples in the house. It is very scairty.
Good thing you are being locked up. One of you might escape out the door with that many beans coming and going. Your Mom & Dad are furry brave to have a party that huge. Maw ist impressed.
Maw used to be like da energizer batteries bunnie, but her batteries died a long time ago. Do you think your Dad could come to Texas and decorate our house?
Luf, Us
Sounds like busy times at your house, Parker! I am so glad you have such a wonderful forever home! I am sure your mommy wouldn't lie to you about the vishus deer, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Sorry about you having to be in a room during the party. When our beans have a party we go and hide on purpose so Mom does not have to lock us up.
At least you get to snoopervise who is coming and going during the party! It is much better to be 'away' when there are lots of people around.
That is very nice of your beans to make take-home treats for their guests!
I'm glad you have a room to stay in while Mom and Dad's big party is going on. That is a lot of beans, and it'll probably be loud. Best to have a safe, quiet area all to yourselves ;-)
That's very exciting you're getting a big live tree tomorrow. I can't wait to see the pictures of all the decorating your Mom and Dad's working on.
I think I would opt to be tucked away in a bedroom too, I don't like too many strangers and I mean over 2 by too many. So the thought of 120 makes me very scairt.
I hope and purr that every kitty can have a home this Christmas too. There is nothing better than having your own home and beans!
We're all 'acited for you! All those new smells in da house and all dat food and prolly leftovers.
Speakin of food we's having lots of food right now in my office party. Hear da noise? Powder is helpin' ta great guests at da door wif me.
~Beau Beau
Wow! I don't like strange people in my house. Strange people = anyone but mine mombean.
We always send a contribution to the SF-SPCA, where I came from, this time of year. I'm gonna update my letter to Santa Paws to make sure that every kitty has a home for the holidays.
You must demands some beefs. Its the least the beans can do for stickings you in one rooms all togethers for a gazillion hours.
Hi Parker! Your house is beautiful!! Now your people just need a couple of feet of snow to make it perfect - like you!
Parker, it's so festive at your beutiful home. We would also like your Mommy's fudgie recipe. We saw a kitten on The Daily Kitten site yesterday who is also from Lima O Hi O. Check him out. Smooches to all of you and to your Mommy and Daddy who take such special care of you.
Norm. Mika, Sasha and Grady.
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