October 23, 2007

A Tantilizing Trio Of Tummies!

Wink Wink! Hiya'!
Floof? I got your floof right here!
It's true, I have no shame. Worship my tummy!


Poppy Q said...

It's a tummy triple treat!!

Has a good week Parker gang.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Triple trusting tummies. Dat's some happy cats dare. Mom just wants to put all dem bellies.

Millie said...

What great tummies!

Honey P. Sunshine said...


Anonymous said...

Very cute tummy photos :)

Mickey's Musings said...

You gotta show the tummies when it's sunny outside!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You three look sooo-o-o-o-o happy.
We hope you have a bouncing and behaving day with that floof.

Good day for napping as we see the rain coming... it is almost in virginia!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh my's that's alot of trusting bellys out there. Pssst, did's you get some nip?

LZ said...

You all have such unique tummies! They are all very beautiful and you should all be worshiped.


The Meezers or Billy said...

awwwww gorgeous tummies!!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Your tummys are very cute! We likes!

Anonymous said...

That's a triple tummy decker I think!

You have great tummies.


Ooo Momma wants to kissey kissey your tums!

Purrs Abby

Daisy said...

It's a tummy trifecta! Those are some fabulous furry tummies!

ZOOLATRY said...

Rub a dub dub,
it's the three tummy club.
All three are so neat,
and all three are so sweet.
And none will be snubbed,
all three will get rubbed.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Gotta soak up that sun while you can!
Pretty, pretty tummies!

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

Those are some very kissable tummies!
Meep & Twiz's mom

Anonymous said...

Wow! What beautiful tummies you all have! It is wonderful to be able to sun your tummies on the deck. We likes to do that too.

Sunny's Mommy said...

What beautiful fluffy tummies :-)

Anonymous said...

You three really are very floofy!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh my, worship those tummies indeed!!! You know, the human just wants to move in and snuggle with each of you!

I would settle for a long cuddle x

Jimmy Joe said...

Great floofy tummies!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

MaoMao said...

Wowie, as my Momma sez about Brainball...

Flooficus Maximus!


Thankies so much fur readin’ the story Momma wroted fur me — I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Unknown said...

Hey - I thought Puff was banned from the deck - this must be an old picture : )

You all have very lovely tummys!

I can't wait to read Diamond's story

Laura said...

Sniff sniff...we are getting high on all the primo floof! We are addicts, we confess. (Or the big two-legged one is for sure, anyway.)

Congrats on Diamond Doggie's story, too. Nothing is more exciting than being recognized for great writing, especially when the subject matter is something so close to our hearts!!

Mosaic Lady and Cats and Dawg

DK & The Fluffies said...

*Splort* DKM's brain just exploded from the extreme foof-y-ness.

Forty Paws said...

What a great triple tummy Tuesday!!!

Luf your pictures!

Luf, Us

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah~! Tummy, tummy and Tummy~!!!!
And all floffy~!!!!
I love these views, that means happy~!

Gretchen said...

Awwww, such floofy tummies...you all look adorable.


Anonymous said...

This is funny, crazy, sweet and soft.
Love it!!


Anonymous said...

O. M. G. Floofy cute tummies times 3... I need air...

Anonymous said...

AHHH - TOO CUTE! and the Lady loves Puff's adorable little face. she's volunteering to come and pet all of you for as long as you want.

Anonymous said...

and plus we love your wink!

Rahel Jaskow said...

Oh, how gorgeous those tummies are. Must... skritch....

Anonymous said...

that wooden floor must be very comfy...