Daddy noticed that I was grooming my left shoulder. A Lot. He looked and I have a BooBoo that looks suspiciously like a bitey. I won't show you a photo 'cause, well, ewww! But if you look closely you can see a little bit of it in my photo. He is putting an icky aunty biotic on it and watching it closely. I am being good about leaving it alone, mostly. I am frisky and playful and my appetite is great! No signs or symptoms of an infection. If I don't leave it alone I will have to become a cone head and I don't want to be a cone head - I would get laughed out of the house by my sibs! Rudy looks guilty, very guilty, but I'm not ratting him out. I will say this, big brothers can play too rough sometimes.
I am off to whap something/someone now. Watch out Diamond-Dog, I am not in a good mood!
Big brothers like to play to rough sometime, Ali swats with his big paw, he is only being playful but his paw as large as I am.
Oh no Parker! I hope your bite heals quickly and that you don't need a cone!
Being a cone head is NOT cool. I've never had one but I can sure imagine how it looks....
PARKER! An ouch ouch is no fun! Especially when they put that crap, oops, I mean medicine on the boo boo! It's good that you're feeling like yourself. A cone head, I'm laughing just thinking about it! Sorry.
I am sorry to learn about your Boo Boo. (I have a Boo who is my sisfur) I hope you heal really fast and don't have to have too much of that medicine or yikes hafta become a conehead.
oh Parker, we are sorry you has a boo boo. Be a good girl and leave it alone so you don't have to wear that stupid cone!
We hope that Boo-Boo goes away, being a cone head is not fun.
Ugh, that happens to me fairly often (KAZE!). I'm sure it will heal pretty soon without the cone.
Oh, I biggified and I saw your booboo! Playing rough is fun, until somecat gets hurty. I hope you get better soon.
I was a cone head once and it was awful. Especially when I threw up in my cone while Mommy was out!! My advice to you: leave it alone!
White Kitty
You'll be fine, don't worry! I had just such a BooBoo on my front shoulder once (a lizard bite, ouch), and I even swelled up so that the maid thought we'd need to go to the vet. HA, you'd never seen a swelling going down that fast after I heard that! I do have a bald spot there now, though...
I hope you heal quickly, Parker.
You are a handsome devil!
D :)
I'm really sorry about your Boo-Boo. I hope it heals quickly and you don't have to go to the vet and be a conehead. Continue to be a good girl and leave it alone.
Owie, Parker! I'm so sorry to hear you've gotta boo boo. I hope it heals quickly!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Ah, that's why you need to put the bitey on them first. Show them who is boss! And cone heads are definitely not fun. Did it once. Never, ever again.
Parker, I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope it heals up quickly and you don't need a cone. Those stink!
Thanks for visiting our bloggie and telling us about your mealtimes. We get fed the same amounts as you! It sounds like Momma is on the right track with our foods. Thank you again!
Scout bit me on the butt this spring and no one caught it until it got to be a big ickky abscess! Keep vigilant with it. And don't lick it!!!!
Awww, I'm sorry for your bitey boo boo. I'm just getting to your site for the first time.
Oh no! You look like my mystery cat on my blog! How many of you are there anyway!!!!
You keep an eye on that, infections can get pretty serious! So be good about the antibiotics!
PS I know what you mean about sleeping and trying to wish Mom back!
PSS Loved the snuggle, aren't they great?!?
Oh oh, I hope yoor boo boo duzzent gets infekted. Mom yells when we get to ruff. She sez it's all fun and games til somecat gets hurt.
Who did that to you???? Do your need someone to beat that cat up? Do you need a lawyer???
We're here for you, girl!
Now I tagged you - distraction from that BooBoo...
See our blog for details
Oooooohhh you don't look happy at all. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad. Yoo want we should come over and makes yoo feel better?
Oh dear about your booboo! I hope it heals up quickly!
Oh no! Sending you gentle headbutts and purrs that you feel better soon. Cones are no fun so you keep being a good girl.
Hope you're feelin' better, Parker!
yeah, i was a freaking floodlight when i hadded an owie unner my chin. leaf it alone Parker so that you doesn't haf look like a floodlight.
I hopes it gets better fast
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